Apr 09, 2005 18:05
When I finally resigned myself to the fact that I couldn't sleep through the raucous racket of remodeling and landscape work anymore, I dragged myself outta bed at about 1:20pm. After wasting about three hours, I decided to hop in the shower. However, an amazing thing happened as I was stretching/ springing out of my chair. The ole boob tube was on the TV Guide Channel and I read something about a movie with (brace yourself, ladies) Jared Leto and Jake Gyllenhaal--- I know, right?! I swear to gawd my mouth started watering. :P Anyhoozle, I had to read that, like, three times cus that was just too hott to be true. When it looped back to the description, it said that these two Gen-Xers were on the run from some dudes in Vegas and were headed to Seattle. Needless to say, I had to watch. :) As I guessed, it was kinda B- movie stuff, but pretty cool nonetheless. The guys were sooooo amazingly cute, although I must admit Leto's character, Jack, was kinda this testosterone-machine pretty boy, which kinda annoyed the fuck outta me. Pilot (Gyllenhaal), however, was a dream... I'm a little in love. :) It was kinda weird, but they got there a couple of days into the whole Kurt vigil. I think it might've been the actual thing cus a reenactment seems really bizarre. Plus, it doesn't really have anything to do with the plot. Still, it was kind of amazing to see. Well, I think I'll leave it at that.. It's called Highway if you wanna check it out.. But now I gotta go get ready for my hot date. Later! :D