So, arrcade finally responded to my question a8out how she m8de her Eridan gills!!!!!!!! ::::D
Guys this means I might not even need the second pack of modeling clay! :D
Also today I got:
-the fabrics
-new beads that match the fabrics (and returned the beads I don't need)
-jelly bands for the bracelets
-gem for the tiara
-probably some other shit I'm not thinking of
I'll just return the other modeling clay pack for $8 and buy a foam sheet for 99¢ :D
Also I will need to still get black lipstick. I went on a fucking wild goosechase today looking for it >:/
Oh, and as for the goggles, I think Imma just buy those Swedish ones for $5 off Amazon. I'll paint the outsides white and then paint magenta over the white. It'll be better and more comfortable than making them out of deodorant shells. -_-;;