Before I post the next two Days..

Aug 08, 2010 00:06

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I start with a Crisgoal ^.^

And here comes the Story to this Vid...

I was happy when I found a Program for watching in Games from Real Madrid *yay to it*
I was planing to watch the Game between Real Madrid and Club America *points to the Vid*
Last Week [can't remember the Date -.-] came this Game. It was in the Morning before I must to work.
I felt a little bit crappy, because I saw the last few Minutes of the First Half Time before I must to work. Different Times.
I was really happy when I saw the Highlight/ the Goals of both Teams in an Youtube Vid. It was postet in hala_madrid

My plan for today is watch the Game Real Madrid vs. L.A Galaxy in a few Hours. Early in the Morning. Yes a long Time....
But hey it's Weekend and I will see 'my Team'

football fangirls squee

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