Jul 28, 2008 09:25
First off, 73 degrees and rainy is the perfect weather. It is beautiful outside.
Good weekend. Yay!
Friday, I finished the floor! I am very proud of it and it looks beautiful! I used a lot less than expected so the new floor cost me less than $90:) We are planning on putting it the kids room. Which is the next project!
Saturday, cleaned all day. I went through my closet and got rid of 6 pairs of shoes and two garbage bags of clothes. Then I hung up all of my dresses and skirts. Wow, I have a lot of clothes. Then we had a party and it was nice. A lot of drama opportunities, but no drama! Everyone was cool and either was pleasant or ignored each other (which is fine too). I mostly hung out on the porch (and early comment kinda made me not in the mood to be drunk and naughty), but had fun all the same hanging out with the boys and sparks (when I wasn't blushing and running away). Got a little beat up throughout the night though. First, one of my flowerpots attacked me. I was talking to Ruffner and motioned with my arms and then "Ouch, I think I'm bleeding." So ok I was a little drunk. Dr. Narigon to the rescue and the cut was cleaned and bandaged. (but the cut is on the side of pinky and I"m realizing just how much I use the side while typing) Then a short while later, on the couch with JP and Tia and Sparks got pulled ontop of us and her sholder rammed right into my nose. And those who know me well know about me and my poor nose. So of course bloody nose (and again last night). But overall an enjoyable night.
Sunday woke up eventually and headed out to Richmond to play B7's Dark heresy game. Took us longer to get there because traffic was stopped on 70, but we took the back roads and got there rather late. Game was fun, but short. Then back home for some snuggle, talking to VDM on line and watching B5.
This week:
Tonight maybe hanging out at the Rusty Nail
Tuesday: Witch of Portobello discussion
Wednesday: House night and Zumba
Thursday: CB reheearsal
Friday: Triumph meeting
Saturday: Triumph!
Sunday: concert