Nov 10, 2009 22:34

I rarely update this so lets see.
I'm at central now, taking 4 classes and graduating in a year and a half. I've got next semester all planned out and am trying to find a place to live for next year. Central is way different then any other school I've gone to and I'm still not adjusted.
My parents are coming tomorrow to see the football game with me and I'm super excited to see them. I've been cleaning all day and got all my laundry done so they'll see a nice dorm room when they come to visit.
I've been dealing with some men problems lately and decided to come clean to one of them today letting them know I'm not over it and I deserve to be treated better by them. I think it should be noted that I'm a horoscope fan I believe them quite often and so when I checked mine today this is what it said...Your feelings about a secret crush will surface. And chances are the feeling is mutual! Although this may excite you and make you want to rush into things with this person, you'll need to stay grounded in sensible flats. The slow pace will allow the possible relationship to have a fighting chance. Granted it involves shoes since its from teen vogue I still hope its true.
Time to get some more reading done. I'll repost in another few months.
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