
Feb 12, 2009 13:14

So I finally got the feedback from Astral in the mail the other day. And then I finally got up the balls to open it and read it.

And now I'm confused and frustrated.

Some of the panelists mentioned that I needed more support, which makes sense. When I'm nervous, support is always the first thing to go.

Some panelists thought my repertoire choices "unorthodox," while others liked my choices. So I don't know how to address that.

The founder of the company suggested that I may want to find a "flowing audition gown." What the shit is that? (Not literally; I understand the concept. What I don't understand is dressing for an evening performance at 10:30 in the morning. Really? Really?)

Also, Oaten talked to Leslie (the coordinator of the auditions) the other day and she told him I sang great--my negotiation of registers was some of the best they heard all day. So what it came down to is nerves and that "I just need to get out and perform more."

Yeah.  And I'm pretty sure that that was the whole point. You take people who need polishing and start buffing. Help them get out there and get more gigs.

So, as with everything else, it would seem, I'm on my own with this one.
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