What is F10 up to?

Mar 30, 2023 16:51

Hello y'all!

I bring you a news bulletin from the desk of Firesign10...

I'm working to launch my first m/m romance book this year. After talk talk talk the last few years, I am trying to 'woman up' (well, I can't man up, can I) and do it. I'm now through beta and sending to copy editor. I'm trying to go a bit at a time because it's very easy to feel overwhelmed by this first time. I'm happy to say I'm getting some great support already *whew*

So I'm now working on 'establishing a social media presence' under my author name. I've chosen Ellis Colton for that. I have a Facebook page already, and will be looking to set up Twitter and Instagram. Please feel free to offer advice lol!!

If you are on FB, Here is my page. I'm also compiling a list for a newsletter, and if you'd like to be on it, please email elliscolton.author@gmail.com and I'll add you!

I'm alternately excited and terrified lol.

I hope you'll join me :-)

ellis, writing

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