Title: The Ceiling Can't Hold Us
dwimpala21Pairing(s): Jared/Jensen (J2)
Word Count: 25,550
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It's been many years since Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles fought their way back to be together, after their first attempt at a relationship crashed and burned. Over a twenty year span, they deal with professional successes and troubles as well as personal joys and demons. Their story is one of trials, tribulations, and a testament to enduring love.
Notes: Written for the 2022 Supernatural/J2 Big Bang and as an auction fill for the long-patient
This story is the third and final part to the Pay Phone Verse. The two previous installments are
Pay Phone and
The Things That We Could Be. Reading them would enhance reading this story, but this is written to be a stand-alone.
Thanks and adoration to
dwimpala21 for the stunning new art set! It's gorgeous!
Thanks and curtseys to
wendy, the Queen of Bangs! Thank you for your dedication over the years, and allowing us this wonderful experience again this year!
I could never have written, much less finished, this without the steadfast support, endlessly patient ear, and reassuring hand-holding from
theatregirl7299. Thank you.
Thanks to my alpha readers
jerzcaligrl, and
kelios who all read various drafts and scenes and gave me their valuable input as well as encouragement. Thanks and appreciation for my lovely betas,
jerzcaligrl who caught all my mistakes and also kept encouraging me. I am so grateful for all of you!
Link to Story
on LJ |
on AO3 Link to Art
on LJ |
on AO3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Epilogue