Writing update

May 03, 2013 13:32

Yo ho!

Well, I'm in a (brief) lull as far as stories - both my spn_cinema and my spn_j2_bigbang draft are submitted. SPN_cinema is simply waiting for the posting date for cassiopeia7 and I drew. We have an art/fic collaboration on The Breakfast Club to post, done in a J2 remix. My big bang is now up for artist claim - today the artists are previewing the ENORMOUS number of stories via anonymous summaries - really, OMG, so many - and tomorrow they begin claiming. Artists are agonizing about only choosing three stories - I'm on the flip side, agonizing about being chosen!

I just signed up for two new challenges - one is a (FUCK I CANNOT TYPE TODAY!) Wincest big bang (20,000) and the other is a very fun-looking cross-over set-up, intoabar. You pick a character from one of your fandoms to walk into a bar, and then list up to four other fandoms and the mods will pick who your character will meet! I'm looking forward to my match-up!

I also will have a prompt to work with from the AO3 Artist auction. More on that when I get it :-)

Of course, I have my own ideas to work on as well. I picked a gen SPN story back up that I started a while ago, from a prompt Ethan gave me. I am JUST starting a sequel to my big J2 epic, Pay Phone. I have my eyes set on big_bigbang again this fall, where I'm seriously considering finally tackling the SPN-NCIS cross-over I thought of over a year ago.

And I really need and want to get back to my NaNo story from last year. It needs some reworking, and it needs to be finished.

And that's the writing poop.

fanfic, spn, writing

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