[fic] Forbidden Fruit Chapter 7

Aug 14, 2024 11:26

Yes this is really happening... no people are not seeing things. Even though pretty much nobody is left follwoing this account I've started writing this fic again. I've had it on my mind for nearly 10 years and I recently got back into KAT-TUN, so now seemed like a great tme to work on it again and maybe even finish it. I just wish I had been able to do this earlier for all the people I left hanging 10 years ago.

Title: Forbidden Fruit
Chapter: 7/?
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,914
Genre: Erotica
Pairings: Kameda, Ryoda
Disclaimer: I do not have any connections to Johnny's Entertainment or any of its members past or present. I write this story for my own pleasure and make no profit from it.
Summary: Ueda is bisexual and Kame is straight, but after one lustful passion filled morning Kame is willing to experiment. Will Ueda be able to hide his feelings for the younger man as Kame figures out his sexual orientation, or will it all be too much for him to handle.
Warnings: sexual content, language
Beta'd: Just by me... as per usual.

The next morning Ueda stretched as he woke up, sun shining into his bedroom from the window since he had forgotten to draw the curtains the night before. Keeping his eyes closed he lay in bed for a moment, marvelling in the wonderful smells of coffee and breakfast that were wafting into his room. Opening his eyes, he propped himself on his right elbow and flattened his fluffy duvet so he could watch Kame, dressed only in a pair of Ueda's sweatpants, carry a tray full of food towards him. Ueda couldn't help but smile as Kame placed the tray on top of the duvet then crawled under the covers with him.

Sitting up, Ueda surveyed the tray that held two cups of coffee, immediately knowing the one that was black was for him, two empty plates with cutlery and another plate that held a stack of pancakes and sausages. Smile growing wider, Ueda turned his attention to Kame who was lounging against the pillows propping himself up on his left elbow.

"You made breakfast?" Ueda asked, totally elated over the simple gesture. Bending over he placed a light kiss on Kame's lips. Sitting up again Ueda shifted the duvet to make sure it covered his naked body, since he rather not drip hot coffee onto certain sensitive areas, he surveyed the breakfast tray again. "I didn't know I had the stuff to make pancakes and sausages."

"You didn't," Kame stated, picking up a sausage and biting off the end. "I woke up this morning with a huge craving for pancakes, so I went to the store to pick up what I needed."

Picking up his coffee Ueda took a sip, not at all surprised Kame had remembered to put two sugars in it, and quirked his eyebrow at his lover. "You went to the store. Dressed like that." Ueda suddenly had a mental image of Kame walking around the market half naked and having all the girls who worked there staring at him.

"I put a shirt on to go outside, but I figured you'd prefer me like this," Kame flirted, sitting up and kissing Ueda again.

When Kame pulled back, Ueda moved the breakfast tray onto the side table on his side of the bed before straddling Kame's waist. Kame shifted so he was lying on the bed, Ueda looming over him with his hands on the mattress just above Kame's shoulders.

Leaning down Ueda kissed Kame, full of desire for the younger man that never seemed to be quelled, before whispering against his lover's lips, "I have to be honest, seeing you like this makes me want something else for breakfast." Trailing his lips to Kame's neck, Ueda stopped to whisper in Kame's ear, "something else full of protein."

Kame shifted on the mattress as Ueda led a trail of kisses down his chest. Watching the older man closely, Ueda looked up at Kame and gave him a mischievous smile before disappearing under the covers. Kame leaned back against the mattress, sighing and shifting his hips to make it easier for Ueda to take his sweatpants off. Deciding he wanted to see this, Kame pushed the duvet to the side, just in time to see Ueda grab hold of the base of his cock and take the tip into his mouth. Ueda closed his eyes, obviously loving the feeling of Kame's dick filling his mouth. Removing his hand, Ueda slid the entire organ into his mouth and down his throat, before beginning the slow torture of taking it out again. Kame watched the entire thing, loving the look of his cock, slick with Ueda's saliva, slip in and out between Ueda's lips. Bending his knees, he framed Ueda's head between his thighs, Ueda wrapping his hands around the base of his thighs. Messaging the underside of Kame's dick with his tongue, Ueda moaned around the thickness in his mouth, the vibrations going straight through Kame causing him to arch his back as he came in Ueda's mouth.

Looking down again, Kame watched as Ueda crawled back up his body, brown eyes turned almost black with desire. Watching his lover loom over him, as Ueda was still between his open legs, Kame came to a decision. Squeezing Ueda's hips with his thighs, he ran his hands over Ueda's chest, "Tatsuya, do it."

"Do what?" Ueda asked breathlessly, closing his eyes as Kame used his legs to pull his lover closer to him.

"Take me. I want to know what it feels like," Kame pleaded, running his fingers through Ueda's hair.

Ueda shook his head, eyes still closed. "I can't, I've never," he panted, running his tongue along the inside of Kame's forearm while unconsciously rocking his hips against Kame's.

Kame closed his eyes, stretching his back in pleasure at the feeling of Ueda moving against him. "I trust you," Kame gasped, placing his hands on Ueda's ass and using that to push them together more, both men moaning at the feeling. "Tatsuya, please." Kame begged, leaning up and catching Ueda's mouth with his own.

Without pulling away from the kiss, Ueda reached over onto the side table where the tube of lube was still sitting from the night before. Breaking the kiss he squirted some of the gel into his palm then coated three of his fingers and placed them at Kame's entrance. Watching his lover's face intensely, Ueda pushed his middle finger past the tight ring of muscle. Kame held onto Ueda's shoulders as his face screwed up and his body tensed at the odd feeling, pain shooting up his spine. Kame opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling as Ueda leaned over him whispering into his ear telling him to relax and not focus on the pain. Forcing a breath from his lungs, Kame willed his body to listen to Ueda's soothing words, as the finger began to move inside him. Suddenly Kame shouted in pleasure, as Ueda's finger brushed against that one spot inside him.

"See, feels good doesn't it?" Ueda asked in his ear, hitting it again leaving Kame panting with need. "I'm going to add another finger, if you're okay with that." Ueda lifted his head to watch Kame's face again. He was more then willing to go as slow as Kame needed him to, Ueda remembering the pain all too well of the first time he had been taken.

Nodding Kame tried to relax his muscles, preparing himself for the feeling now that he knew what to expect. Focusing on Ueda's face, Kame inhaled sharply through his nose as the second finger was slowly added. Shifting slightly, he couldn't quite keep the look of mild discomfort off his face. "It feels weird," he couldn't help but mutter.

"We don't have to do this. I can stop," Ueda offered softly. He had to admit, he'd have a hard time stopping, but he would if that's what Kame wanted.

Resting his hand along Ueda's nape, Kame looked deep into his lover's eyes. "I want this. I want you to be the only man that's had me this way."

Ueda laid still, totally shocked and welling with emotions at Kame's words. Leaning down, he kissed Kame like he never had before, full of the feelings he had for this man. At that moment he didn't care if Kame figured out that he loved him, all that mattered were Kame's sweet words. Suddenly what they were doing had a whole other meaning.

"I'm going to add the last one okay?" Ueda whispered against Kame's lips, the other man nodding in response. Wrapping his arm around Ueda's shoulders, Kame buried his fingers in Ueda's hair, breathing easier around the feeling of the third finger being added. Kame had a brief moment where he wondered why Ueda enjoyed this so much, then the fingers inside him began to move slowly. Eyes fluttering closed, a low moan passed Kame's lips as pleasure ran through his body. Every nerve ending seemed to be connected to where Ueda's long fingers were moving inside him, stroking him in places he had never imagined another person would ever touch him.

"Tatsuya," Kame moaned, panting with need again. His body needed more, needed all of Ueda. He had never imagined how good this could feel, knowing it was only going to get better.

"I know Baby," Ueda panted, his own need and desire coursing through him. Pulling his fingers out, which caused Kame to whimper in protest, Ueda coated his cock with the lube. Positioning himself at his lover's entrance, Ueda forcefully pushed the tip of his cock past the ring of muscle then slowly guided the rest of him inside Kame's tight passage. Hanging his head, Ueda panted with the effort of holding back watching Kame's face as he fought to not tense up again at the feeling.

Once fully inserted, Ueda stayed motionless to give Kame time to get used to being filled, both men panting. Already Ueda could feel a thin layer of sweat across both their bodies, as Kame moved his hands to be able to run his fingers down Ueda's back. Slowly he began to move his hips, trying to remember the advice he had given Kame the day before and just follow his instincts. Letting pleasure take over, Ueda was soon thrusting hard into Kame, forgetting his lover was new to this. Resting his forehead against Kame's, Ueda panted heavily and listened to the noises his lover was making with each thrust from his hips. Hooking his hand under Kame's knee, Ueda lifted his leg as high as it could go, Kame's leg hooking around his elbow. Arching his back at the position change, Kame closed the distance between them, capturing Ueda lips in a heated kiss, moaning with pleasure. Digging his short nails into Ueda's shoulders, Kame dragged his nails across his lover's back causing Ueda to moan in painful pleasure, hips speeding up in response. Kame had taken all that he could handle, arching his back he broke the kiss, and called out Ueda's name as he climaxed. Not being prepared for the orgasm, Ueda cried out at the feeling of Kame's internal muscles clamping around him, his own end sneaking up on him.

Energy sapped, Ueda pulled out of his lover before collapsing onto his chest. Kame wrapped his arms around the other man, both of them panting from the effort. "Feel free to do that anytime you like," Kame panted once he could talk again.

Ueda wrapped his arm around Kame's waist, listening to the younger man's heartbeat as it began to slow down. "I like it the other way better," he stated drawing lazy circles on Kame's chest.

"Really?" Kame asked, looking down at Ueda who nodded. Looking over he noticed the tray of food sitting carefully on the other side table. "We forgot about our breakfast."

Sitting up, Ueda reached over and grabbed the tray, setting it on the bed between them. He couldn't help but feel badly when Kame sat up and winced. He knew from personal experience Kame was going to be sore for a few days. Looking away Ueda noticed the small blood stain on the white sheets and suddenly felt worse.

Feeling Kame's hand cup his face, Ueda brought his eyes back to his lover, "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's okay, I kinda asked you to," Kame assured him, brushing his thumb across Ueda's cheek. Settling against the pillows, Kame reached and picked up a now cold pancake, breaking off a piece before popping it into his mouth. Watching Ueda do the same he contemplated something.

"I have a random question," he began, continuing once he had Ueda's attention. "Do you remember anything from last night?"

Ueda chewed slowly as he thought, "I remember what happened in The Red Light," Ueda began getting a sly smile from Kame. "I remember kissing you in the cab while I jerked you off,"

"Yeah the driver didn't like that too much," Kame interrupted. "Can't imagine why."

Ueda smiled as he continued, "I remember getting in my house, somehow, and ripping your shirt open. I owe you a new shirt by the way. And I remember being in bed riding you, but that's about it."

"You don't remember trying to take the stairs two at a time and almost falling on your face?" Kame asked, the memory making him smile.

Ueda shook his head, "can't say that I do."

"Or how you pulled me down with you and wouldn't let me back up until I screwed you senseless?" Kame asked, his smile more on the sultry side now.

Ueda shook his head again. "That would explain why it feels like I have rug burn on my back," he muttered before taking another bite.

Kame laughed, pulling Ueda into his lap again who straddled his waist, the younger man's laugh becoming infectious. They stayed like that, feeding each other between laughs and kisses, until all that was left on the tray was their full stone cold coffee cups. Moving the tray off the bed again, Kame leaned back into the pillows pulling Ueda in for a sweet kiss. Marvelling in the feeling, Ueda wasn't surprised when he felt Kame switch them over and lay Ueda back against the mattress. Nor was Ueda surprised when Kame slipped a lube slicked finger inside him. Arching his neck, Ueda moaned softly as more fingers were added. Once Ueda was stretched enough, Kame slowly slipped his length inside his lover, their eyes meeting and Kame searching out Ueda's hands. Lacing his fingers through Kame's, Ueda looked deep into his lover's eyes and with a jolt realized this time was different. This time it wasn't about quelling a need or desire, it was about the connection between the two of them. This time it wasn't just sex, this time Kame was making love to him.

Normally Ueda wasn't one to enjoy when his lover went slow, but something about holding Kame's hands, while they didn't break eye contact made the way Kame was moving gently inside him more amazing. Moving together with him, it was becoming harder to keep eye contact as Ueda was driven closer to his end with each moment. Holding on until the last moment, Ueda closed his eyes and arched his back as he reached his end, listening to the telltale grunt of pure pleasure from Kame telling him his lover had reached his peak at the same time he had.

Laying his back against the bed again, Ueda ran his fingers through Kame's hair as the younger man rested his forehead against Ueda's. Every part of Ueda was screaming at him to tell Kame he loved him, that if he was ever going to get away with it now was the time. But Ueda kept quiet, even though he knew everything between them had just changed. He didn't know how it had changed, but no longer could he claim to be just Kame's lover. He just wondered if Kame felt the same way.

Hours later the two men were lounging on the couch in Ueda's living room, pretending to watch a movie. Leaning his head against Kame's chest, Ueda fidgeted to find a comfortable position between Kame's legs. They had spent the morning just enjoying each other's company, stealing sweet kisses and light caresses whenever they felt like it. Kame had insisted on giving Ueda a back massage after nearly killing Ueda's back with all the different sex positions over the last three days. Now they were both dressed in oversized t-shirts and sweatpants, Kame's fingers drawing lazy circles along Ueda's lower back under his shirt.

"Last night was fun," Kame suddenly declared, making Ueda look up.

"What part, me getting mildly attacked by my ex, or having drugs slipped into our drinks?" Ueda couldn't help but ask, since those were the two moments that stood out in his mind. Well those and the sex.

Kissing the top of Ueda's head, Kame rested his cheek on the same spot marvelling in the softness of Ueda's hair when there was no gel in it. "Everything in between those, and after. I was just thinking we should do it again sometime... or something else."

Sitting up Ueda looked at Kame, wondering if he really was going where Ueda thought he was going. "What do you mean by 'something else'?"

Kame didn't take his eyes off the TV screen, but Ueda noticed the light blush creeping across his face. "Like a movie, or dinner or something."

Placing his fingers on Kame's chin, Ueda forced the younger man to look at him. "Why Kazu, are you asking me out on a date?" he couldn't help but tease, smiling widely.

"You don't have to make a big deal out of it," Kame deadpanned, but smiling after from Ueda's look of pure joy. "According to some people's definition, we've been dating for months now. I mean, with all those weekly dinners we had."

Ueda kissed Kame briefly, he still wanted to hear Kame's answer to his earlier question. "So you're asking me out on a date."

Kame kissed Ueda again, pulling the older man closer to him. "Yes I'm asking you out on a date," he confirmed before going in for another kiss. Ueda sighed contently into the kiss as Kame's tongue lazily meshed with his own. Breaking the kiss Ueda shifted Kame's shirt until the juncture of his neck and shoulder was exposed, attaching his lips to it. He knew it was a bad idea, but Ueda had every intention of marking this man as his. He wanted a large and noticeable mark that told other's Kame was taken, even if the mark only lasted a few weeks. Worrying the skin with his teeth Ueda let out another sigh, feeling Kame's lips on his shoulder doing the exact same thing to him.

Both men worked on their task the only noise in the room coming from the TV and a moan of approval every now and again. Kame slowly flipped them over so Ueda's back was laying against the couch, slowly bringing Ueda's shirt up his chest. Lifting his head Kame surveyed his work approving of the large red bruise that now graced the lower part of his lover's neck. Leaning down, he whispered his plan for the day into Ueda's ear. "I want to leave these marks all over you. Then I want to make love to you over and over again while you scratch me and bite hard enough to leave marks."

Ueda moaned in approval before Kame caught his lips in a heated kiss. Moving his hands to Kame's hips, Ueda began pushing the other man's sweatpants down when he heard the one voice that could put a stop to pretty much anything sexual.

"Tatsuya! We're here for our lunch that you promised us!" his mother called out as she walked in his front door.

In a rush Ueda pushed Kame off of him, both men began the scramble of readjusting their clothes, hiding their erections and then trying to look totally innocent when Ueda's parents and sister entered the doorway to the living room. It had been years since his parents had last caught him making out on the couch and he didn't quite know how he was going to explain this.

"Mom! Dad! Hi!," Ueda greeted with forced enthusiasm internally groaning since now for sure they were going to know he was hiding something. Plus the fact that Kame was sitting on the other end of the couch with a pillow in this lap and looking only at Ueda probably didn't help much.

Ueda's mom took a moment to survey the scene before her but quickly gathered her composure crossing her arms in front of her chest, "you forgot about us coming for lunch didn't you?"

"We've been a little busy the last few days," Ueda answered looking way more guilty then he should.

"And we can see with what," Ueda's sister muttered, earning herself a glare from her younger brother. Kame chuckled softly to himself, it wasn't very often he got to see Ueda in the bratty younger brother role.

Ueda stopped glaring at his sister when he noticed the pair of Kame's boxers sitting on the floor by his sister's foot. Determined to end this conversation, and pick up some of the more incriminating clothes from the floor, Ueda stood "give me a few minutes and I'll be ready."

"I should probably get back home," Kame muttered as he stood since it was obvious his weekend with Ueda was over. Maybe he could convince Ueda to come back to his place and make him dinner then have a nice quiet evening together.

"Kamenashi-kun, would you like to join us?" Ueda's mom asked. Kame took a moment to glance at Ueda and gauge his reaction, who only raised his eyebrows at Kame and nothing more. It looked like Kame was going to have to make this decision on his own.

"It just seems like we interrupted something and that we should be spending more time with you," Ueda's mother clarified, making it very clear she knew exactly what was going on between them.

Unable to keep the smile off his face, Kame wrapped his arm around Ueda's waist before answering, "I'd love to," he stated before turning his attention to Ueda, "we should go get ready," then directed Ueda towards the stairs before he could protest, Ueda quickly picking up Kame's boxers on the way.

Once they were upstairs safely behind the closed door of Ueda's bedroom, Ueda turned to his lover, embarrassment over the whole conversation downstairs evident on his face. "I'm so sorry about that. I totally forgot I had made plans for today."

"Tatsu, it's okay," Kame soothed, running his hands down Ueda's arms, but the smaller man didn't seem to be listening.

"I can't believe they caught us! It's been years since my parents caught me making out on the couch. And I know you wanted to keep this between us quiet and now-"

Kame stopped Ueda's rambling with a light kiss. Pulling away he cradled his lover's face and smiled, "Tatsu, it's okay. We'll go have a nice lunch with your family, then come back here and have a quiet evening alone. As for this staying quiet, I think we gave up on that when we went to the gay bar last night."

"You're sure you're fine with this?" Ueda asked quietly. Everything that had happened between them that day pointed towards them being in a relationship, and Ueda didn't know how Kame was going to take that. Now having a 'meet the parents' meal made the whole thing feel very official.

"Yes it's fine!" Kame exclaimed with mild exasperation, softened with a smile. "The only thing is I'm going to need to borrow a shirt."

"And you might need these," Ueda stated, holding up Kame's boxers.

Wrapping his arms around Ueda's waist, Kame pressed his lover against himself leaning over to whisper huskily in Ueda's ear. "You don't think I should go commando for lunch? Only you and I would know."

Ueda closed his eyes, melting into Kame's body. A shiver ran up his spine as Kame trailed the flat of his tongue up Ueda's neck. The kiss that followed was raw with passion and need leaving Ueda's clawing at Kame's shoulders. Feeling his back being pressed against the wall, Ueda broke the kiss pushing Kame away which took more willpower than he cared to admit. "My family is downstairs and they're going to wonder what's taking so long. Help yourself to anything you need."

"But I want to help myself to you." Kame commented, burying his face in Ueda's neck. Ueda let out a surprised laugh which he was sure carried downstairs.

"There'll be plenty of time for that when we get back," Ueda promised, detangling himself from Kame's arms. Ueda quickly dressed in jeans and a t-shirt while Kame began the search in Ueda's closet for a shirt that actually fit. Even though Kame was only around an inch taller than Ueda, the broadness of Kame’s shoulders made most of Ueda’s clothes too small. When Kame proudly proclaimed he had managed to find one, Ueda didn't have the heart to tell him it was actually one of Ryo's shirts. He hated to admit how good Kame looked in the light pink button down, having rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. Ueda couldn’t help but give Kame a look of approval once the other man was fully dressed in his jeans from the previous night and made his way into the ensuite bathroom to fix his hair. Ueda leaned against the door jam and watched Kame fiddle with the strands, grabbing one of Ueda’s many hair products to make it look the way he wanted to. Just the ease with which Kame moved around the part of his house he had never been in before their arrangement made Ueda’s throat thick with emotion.

Pushing himself off the door jam Ueda walked up behind Kame and wrapped his arms around the younger man’s waist. Kissing Kame on his shoulder, Ueda rested his chin in the same place he had just kissed. Looking Kame in the eye in the mirror Ueda wanted this moment to never end.

“What you thinking about?” Kame asked, placing his hands on top of Ueda’s at his waist.

“About how I’d like to see you here more often.” Ueda answered, lifting his chin so Kame could turn around and face him. Kame wrapped his arms around Ueda’s waist before leaning in and kissing him, the same kind of gentle kiss they had been sharing all morning. It was more than Ueda had ever hoped for, and yet he wanted more. He wanted Kame to be there beside him every morning, for this to become their usual morning routine. After Kame pulled away Ueda opened his mouth to say something right as someone pounded on the closed bedroom door. Ueda let out a groan of frustration declaring he knew it had been his sister, Kame laughing at the way she was driving Ueda crazy the way only a sibling could. Kame knew Ueda loved his sister, even if she was driving him up the wall at the moment.

“Can you go and keep her occupied while I finish getting ready?” Ueda asked, sounding like he wanted nothing more than to kick his sister out of his house. Kame laughed again before letting go of the other man and headed for the door. At the last moment he turned back around and placed a kiss on Ueda’s cheek.

“I think you look gorgeous,” Kame whispered in his ear before heading back into the bedroom. Ueda smiled at his reflection as he listened to Kame open the bedroom door and usher his sister back downstairs before grabbing the sink and leaning against it, his smile fading. He had almost asked Kame to move in with him, which was not at all their arrangement. He had to remind himself that Kame just wanted him for casual sex, no matter what that morning seemed to say. Taking a deep breath Ueda grabbed his hair gel and finished getting ready, groaning when he saw the hickey gracing his neck. It was going to take him even longer to get ready than he had thought.

A few minutes later Ueda was heading down the stairs after doing his hair and covering the hickey at record speed. Rounding the corner from the stairs, Ueda had to stop and take in the sight before him. Kame had finished his look with the leather cuffs around his wrists that he had been wearing the night before, and was standing with his hands in his pockets totally at ease as he talked to Ueda’s parents. As if he could sense the other person’s presence, Kame turned and saw Ueda standing there and a soft smile spread across his face. Ueda couldn’t help but to return the smile as he joined the small group, his smile growing wider as Kame slipped his arm around Ueda’s waist. His sister raised her eyebrows at Ueda but he gave her a light shrug, right as his mother called out his name to grab his attention.

“Kamenashi tells us you're having car troubles” his mother said in that tone that all mothers seemed to have.

“It’s not a big deal, they are just waiting for a part to come in.” Ueda assured her. He knew his parents were never going to stop fretting over him, but it still grated on his nerves at times like this.

“So Tat-chan, where are we heading to lunch?” his sister asked before their father could start going on about how he disapproved of his son’s lifestyle.

Ueda was thankful for the change in subject, until he realized he had forgotten to make a reservation. He had made these plans right before everything with Kame had happened and then promptly forgotten about them it seemed.

“We know a place,” Kame said, seeing the look of panic on Ueda’s face. “We’ll go ahead and you can follow us since we all won’t fit into one car.”

“Sounds like a plan!” his sister exclaimed before linking her arm through Ueda’s. “I’m going to ride with them, Tat-chan and I have so much to catch up on.”

genre: erotica, pairing: kameda, fic: forbidden fruit, rating: nc-17, length: multi chapter

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