application for somarium

May 14, 2011 13:18

[Player name] Kat
[Age] 19
[Personal Journal] crystallium
[Other characters currently played]
-Atoli || .Hack//G.U. || idkmybffsakaki
-Olette || Kingdom Hearts || dourhomework

[Character name] Mai
[Age] 15
[Canon] Avatar: The Last Airbender
[Point in time taken from canon] While she's in prison, so post Boiling Rock.

Her history.

Zuko sums up Mai's personality very well by saying she's "just a big blah." Mai doesn't show much emotion. She very quiet, keeping mostly to herself. When she does have something to say, she tends to express her boredom with everything, or slides in a sarcastic comment. She doesn't really care for anything, and doesn't express much interest in anything either.

The main thing she does show interest in is Zuko. When he comes back to the Fire Nation, Azula tells Zuko that Mai was in a strangely good mood. When the two are together, Mai actually seems happy and smiles, something she never does otherwise. She even makes comments, such as that she cares about Zuko, and that she doesn't hate him. She flirts with him often, and is genuinely happy with him. When he leaves to join Aang, she's heartbroken, and even turns on Azula in an attempt to help Zuko escape, showing how much she does care about him and is loyal to him, even when it cost her her freedom.

But Zuko is really the only person she acts like way towards. She could definitely be described as being a goth, as she wears dark colors, and even has her nails painted black. She frequently points out things she hates, which is pretty much everything, but one example would be the color orange. She also expresses a dislike for dirty things, as she refuses to jump in dirty water when chasing Katara and Sokka. She's very stubborn, and when she makes up her mind, it's hard to change it.

In the episode "The Beach," she tells of her family life, which explains the way she is. She was the only daughter of a high ranking official until age fifteen, when her parents finally had a son. Growing up, her mother was strict on her, making her behave and keep to herself, to help protect her father's growing political career. Because of this isolation, she was afraid to care about anything, or be herself, leading to her non-caring attitude as a teenager.

Unlike many people, Mai isn't a bender. Instead, she fights by using shuriken, small arrows, and knives. Her aim is perfect, but she rarely throws to kill. She tends to attack either to disarm or pin one against objects. She's also very agile, though not quite like Ty Lee. Mai's agility is in the fact that she's quick on her feet, can easily dodge attacks, and is able to slide across objects with ease.

[Sample post]
[First Person]

- If you could go back home, would you? Why or why not?
I was locked up in jail for treason. What do you think?

- Your country is in the middle of a war. What do you think of it? Do you support it or try to solve it yourself by going on an epic quest? Explain.
My country is in the middle of a war. Of course I support it. [A short pause.] But I support Zuko more.

- If you could destroy a city, how would you do it?
Destroying a city? Sounds like too much work. I'll pass.

- You're dirt poor and your family is starving. You have a chance to steal bread. Do you: a) ignore it and get a job, b) steal it anyway because you know you won't get caught, c) get caught but break out of prison anyway, d) steal it and then hide from the creepy cop that keeps stalking you, e) don't steal because stealing is wrong :(.
My dad's governor of New Ozai. Like my family would really be poor. There's no way I'd have to worry about getting food.

- Murder. What is your opinion?
Don't really care for it. Disarming works fine. Besides, murder is messy.

- What do you think of your home world?
It's alright, I guess.

[Third Person]

It was another boring day. Mai was out for a walk, though she didn't seem to be enjoying herself. At least, there was a frown on her face. Then again, there always was a frown on her face.

"This place is so boring." She muttered to herself, coming to a stop in a field. Her dark eyes narrowed as she eyed the stupid looking scarecrows that filled the field, the slight movement of them catching her careful gaze. She almost wondered if she was seeing things, but then they attacked.

"That's more like it." A soft smirk appeared now, and she pulled her hand knives out of the hidden case up her sleeve, holding them at the ready. The second one of the moving scarecrow got close enough, the knife was thrown, making it's mark in the center of it's head. Her eyes flickered to the next one approaching, quickly dodging it's attack, only to respond with her own. The next knife was thrown, lodging itself in the back of her attack.

This continued for the next few minutes. A scarecrow would attack, only to have Mai dodge with ease and counterattack. Once the final was down, she straightened, her arms falling to her sides.

"Too easy." She sighed. "And now I'm bored again."

[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] I've really taken a liking to Mai. She fun and different from most of my other muses, and seeing as the two people she's closest to are right here in Somarium, I thought it'd be a great place to put her.
[Which rule was your favorite and why?] Being friendly! It always stinks when people are rude to you in a community.
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] Already here~
[Any questions?] Nope~ B)

!ooc, !application

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