Feb 19, 2007 18:44
Ok so here's a few things you guys missed since i haven't posted in a while -
Thing 1) Valentine's Day went totally NOT according to plan. The day before, the theater company that the Spanish classes were supposed to go see called and cancelled since they were afraid the weather would be too bad. So our trip was cancelled. SO I was gonna be in school all day. Even the part of the day AFTER the candygrams were delivered. Yeah. So Deb and I freaked out, but she was kind of looking forward to 6th period when I'd see Malcolm cuz she loves my suffering. So VTines day came around, and 6th period finally came. Malcolm sat down next to me...and nothing happened. Nothing at all out of the ordinary. I was happy that he didn't hate me (if somewhat disappointed after all that worry and buildup) and Deb was disappointed that I wasn't stuck in an awkward situation. So HA on that. SHE got to keep worrying about her guy, but I was set! BUT IT GOT BETTER. At lunch (since nobody was allowed out because of the ice storm (!)) Malcolm was there. I passed him as I went into the cafeteria and he caught my eye and said "Hey Becky! Thanks." With a big ol' smile on his face (he's got nice teeths :) ) So I was happy about that - at least he appreciated it. And Deb was mad. Ha HA. (Note - from all this, you guys may be thinking that Deb and I really hate each other and love to see each other and suffer - we DO love to see each other suffer, but we are also buds. It's a complicated relationship.)
Thing 2) This is an offshoot of Thing 1) Ok I gotta re-title it now, it's really not a thing in it's own right without its relationship to Thing 1)
Thing 1a) NOW Malcolm's doing some different stoof. Once or twice before he'd done flirty type things (ie patting my leg when he accidentally kicked it (he really hardly kicked it at all i sorta just wanted to see what he would do. i know - i am evil) and putting my hand on his heart once when he was nervous to demonstrate how his heart rate was going nuts (muscles! god bless you, guy who invented soccer!)) But NOW whenever he leaves a class we have together, he puts his hand on my shoulder and says goodbye. He never did that before. But now he does. I HATE BOYS! WHY CAN'T THEY BE STRAIGHTFORWARD! GAH!
Thing 2) A fun and amazing thing that happened and another reason why I love my weirdo friends. I went to go help staple the next issue of the school newspaper. A bunch of people from the paper were there, including Jeewan and Ketan (and a bunch of other people, but those two are really the only ones important to the story). We spent more than 2 hours stapling (my hand hurt for the whole next day) and at about quarter to 6, everyone else went to go start putting the papers out...wherever they put them out. I said "Ooh, let's hide while they're gone, and they'll think we're not here when they get back!"
And Ketan's eyes totally lit up and he said "Let's play hide and seek!" This is all absolutely true. And that is how myself and to Senior boys began playing hide and seek.
Jeewan was It first and found me because I always laugh when I play hide and seek. Then I found Jeewan because...he hadn't hidden by the time i finished counting, so that was easy. We thought Ketan had left or something because we didn't see him anywere, but he was under a row of computers. When I went to go hide there he said "NO! Don't take my spot!" So I cursed and went with him towards all the shelves of books because that's the only other place I could hide. He dove under a row of cubicles and I hid behind a shelf right next to it.
My uncontrollable giggling led Jeewan right down the aisle between us, and he thought he was going to catch me. However, Ketan jumped out from under the cubicles and yelled as soon as Jeewan got there, causing Jeewan to jump and scream like a little girl. Ketan and I laughed until we couldn't breathe.
Then the next day in bio we all saw each other and immediately burst out laughing. It was amazing. One of those times you can immediately recognize as something you'll always remember.
Thing 3) I really wanted to see the movie Pan's Labyrinth. We went to the mall movie theater where I had heard it was playing. The poster was sitll up out front, but they had stopped playing the movie. It was a little sad, but I got over it. Not really I'm still kind of mad.