Adventures at work

May 24, 2010 12:30

So I spent the better part of last night being asked why I wasn't married and/or why I didn't have children. In the 8 hours I was at work I had at least 8 old people ask me some variation of the question. Seriously, why do old people think every girl needs a man to make babies with? I definitely don't need someone to support me (hell I make more money than my bf), and kids would not make my life better, in fact at this point in my life they would probably make it much much worse. What is it with old people? All the old ladies think you need kids to complete your life, and the old men think you need a man b/c you can't possibly support yourself. Sadly, I can understand where the men are coming from, most of tehm are in their 80s or 90s and actually did have to support their wives and are just blind to any change in the world. But the women baffle me. Did kids really make that big a difference for them? I don't think so, these are the same old ladies who I have heard complaining about their own gown-up children. Crazies...  I finally got fed up and told the last one that I didn't need a man and that kids just make people miserable and I was better off without them; the old lady's facial expression was to die for! This seemed to be the topic of the night apparently, as one of my co-workers decided to tell a different lady not 10 minutes later that she didn't need a man because she preferred women; the lady didn't know what to say and merely gave her an astonished look before walking away.


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