Title: Peppermint Roses
Author: fireseop
Paring: Onesided!Junhyung/Kikwang
Rating: PG
Words: 1,211
Summary: Despite everything, he would always be there to help, to tell him things he didn’t know, to cheer him up as the bad days progressed and to paint the peppermint boy’s roses to a shade that fit him most; all because of love.
Author’s Note: Wahhh, it’s been a while hasn’t it. About 2/3 weeks! This is just a short, drabblish one-shot. I used lots of prompts from random websites and fit them all together to come up with a basic plot; sorry it may suck :/ I’m currently going through a really stressful time with different things and also next week is an emotional week for me as well as it being the last week of my academic year. Please bare this in mind when I am very slow with updating. I might be faster in the Holidays or I might be slower, IDK. I’m also really struggling to keep going with my chaptered fics and just other fics in general, it’s not that I have writers block because I’ve got plenty of ideas and I feel my writings not that bad; I just can’t get into the mood to sit down and write. Hopefully WWTTHD will be updated this week but When Nothing Becomes A World is really…failing me atm.:C I’m sorry and I hope you hear from me soon! This is also my first non-Seob pairing as well as my first ever fanfic pairing these two together C:
It was never going to be an ordinary day. It was because of him; the unordinary boy with the unordinary face, the face that I found so pure and beautiful. His cheeks were being pushed up his face by his smile-lines; smiling goofily. His eyes grew smaller as he bared his teeth; happiness shining proudly through. It spread warmth through my cold body, warmth which radiated from the smile on my lips; I’m not used to smiling but whilst I watched him caress the sweet rose of the garden bush, I couldn’t help it. Daring to take a step forward, I moved closer to the boy. He didn’t seem to notice. I walked even closer, leaning on the bush itself; thorns pushing them deep into my flesh, but I didn’t feel a thing. Captivated by his perfectly sculpted muscles, his sharp jaw and beautiful features I leant closer to stroke them but before I could he turned away, pulling a rose from the bush and leaving to go back inside. Sighing, I watched him before following him through the closed door.
He placed the single rose in a vase, filling it partially, with clear water that splashed about his hands; over his gleaming, gold wristwatch before placing it in the centre of the coffee table in his living room. The wristwatch was not waterproof, it was fragile; it was broken. The petit boy made himself and I dinner; we sat to the mahogany dining table eating quietly. He ate the most. We washed up together; my arms wrapped loosely around his waist, trying to help for he would not let me do a thing, other than enjoy his company. He chatted quietly to himself as I listened happily.
“I’m going to get into such trouble, I haven’t done any of that work I said I’d do.”
“You’ll be fine,” I replied calmly but he didn’t take it into account.
“So I have three spread sheets to complete, a report and…what was the other thing?”
“It was a letter to your boss,” I replied again. He still took no notice of me as I breathed heavily down his neck, planting a soft kiss to it. Shiver the younger man reached up and itched the spot, I watched closely before instantly letting go as he moved to close the window and lock the doors.
“I’ll set my alarm early and do it then,” he sighed, “I’m tired.”
“The alarm on your watch won’t work, you’ve broke it.” Following upstairs I watched him think he set the alarm and place it beside his bed and watched him change, my warm smile that was still plastered to my face, turning to a smirk.
Both of us were tucked under the cover, his breaths were soft and faint coming from his pouty, full, peachy lips; they looked so moist and so soft, so well taken care of. He rolled over, closer to me, adjusting his head on my chest; it felt as if he was inside of me. Inside of my heart; but that’s love for you. Smiling, I watched him sleep peacefully; getting sleepy myself. I shuffled down in the thick, heavy, warm, fresh-smelling duvet and slid my arm under his neck, turning my body to him. Gently, I leant down and pressed my smaller, rougher, less-well taken care of lips to his. Sliding his bottom lip that was parted from the upper lip into my mouth, sucking gently before pulling away and watching him swallow. I stroked the hair from his face and smiled; the warm one again, resting my head on the pillow behind him. He rubbed his face free of an itch that was where I had touched him and turned to his side, and as he did I wrapped my arm around his waist, closing my eyes and also falling into slumber.
If I could have done something to prevent the following morning; I would of.
“Kikwang-ah! Kikwang! Aish, Kwangie…please wake up. Kiki?” I called out as loud as I could into his ear. Nothing. No alarm had gone off and the time continued to tick. I paced back and forth around his room but nothing would wake him up. Sighing, I went downstairs watching the clock move slowly around. Minutes which seemed like hours passed as I worried for my love. When he did wake up, we ran quickly to his work, only to be fired and walk back again. There was silence between us was unnerving. He sighed.
“I guess it’s not the end of the world.” Ignoring me, we walked back in silence.
For the next few days, I watched Kikwang as he moped about his house; unsure of what to do. ‘Get a job,’ I told him countless of times, but like usual he didn’t take anything I said to heart. He was sat, curled up next to me as we watched TV; I was thinking of a way to cheer him up. He liked Roses, sure, but what could I make from roses that would really make him happy. Kissing the top of Kikwang’s head, I breathed in; taking in the scent and realising something. The boy smelt of peppermint. Getting up immediately I left without being questioned and began to gather roses and bundles of home-grown peppermint from the peppermint boy’s garden. Arranging them neatly into a bouquet, I tied it with some simple string from the garden shed and began to write a note:
To my Peppermint Boy Kikwang,
Losing your job isn’t the end of the world, cheer up! I’m always here for you so stop moping and go out to get a new job!
Kikwang was probably asleep by now so I decided to leave it on the kitchen side; he’d see it at breakfast. Smiling, he got into the peppermint boy’s bed and fell asleep. I kept doing this every day until he found a job. He became more cheerful again; probably from the short messages I left him. One night I noticed he stayed up extra late.
“Sigh, I wonder when my secret admirer, Junhyung, will come along. I want to meet him.” I knew that he wouldn’t notice me when I left it there and as early morning struck he walked into the kitchen to get some coffee, seeing the newest bundle of peppermint and roses. Sighing again, he decided to give up and go to bed and again this continued for a while.
One evening, I sat outside his bedroom door, painting a rose; it was a sort of peppermint green colour except that I added some glitter. Kikwang was ill and already in bed as I snuck into his room and left it on his bed-side table.
“Kikwang-ah, I know that you cannot hear me, and I know that you cannot see me. I know that your thankful and wish to meet me. I know that you know that I’m here. I’m sorry. None of what you want will happen for I am only a ghost; a ghost that must leave you now. Saranghae.” A single tear ran down my cheek as I turned and walked off.
That morning I watched as Kikwang read his final note from me, seeing the peppermint rose.
“Thank you Junhyung.”