Title: When Nothing Becomes A World (0/?)
Author: fireseop
Member: Yoseob
Rating: G
Words: 1,096
Summary: Nobody went beyond the wall .A young baker boy from Ersopt lost his sister. With his mother far too old and his father away at war, who is there to find her?
Author’s Note: Ahh well, you may notice how there are several different sources that appear in this fanfiction. I have no idea where it’ll go or where it‘ll end so just keep looking out for it! When I was a child I read ‘Rebecca’s World’ and still to this day is it my favourite book and I recommend it. The story is based a little off of that. A little of ‘Stardust’ and a little from ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’. The names are all randomly chosen so if they are actual places/streets/people, I had no idea! Yes these are worthless characters. I don’t know if they’ll make an appearance again I was generally trying to set a scene of how dull the place was. And by the way, I have never actually graduated so please bear with me. I also kind of feel like this is a slow start so I’m sorry if it sucks!
If you were to actually walk around this small village, protected by a small, stone wall and supposedly magic, you would come to realise from the faces you pass that this village, Ersopt, you would realise how miserable the place was. Take for example: A lovely stroll into the town via Aitdor ST. You bump into Miss Almeida, Mr Ledesma and Mr and Mrs Spradlin. Not one of them has a smile on their face.
Miss Almeida you would see carrying her groceries back to her home which was on the outskirts; a lovely little cottage with overgrown ivy, covering it like a cape and protecting her privacy. She was a woman who definitely liked this privacy and always tried to keep to herself. She was in her mid-thirties and without a partner, already getting wrinkles in her porcelain skin. They were deep and almost like scars or a crease of a page, bended roughly. Her face never did do her a favour and smiled, there was always a frown in place; as if there was something about here that she didn’t like following her like a lost puppy. Her dress sense wasn’t much better than an elderly ladies’; with her long knitted dresses and selective colour range. She spent most of her days wandering the cobblestone pathways in the village, buying little things that she didn’t need whilst she worked at home on a thrilling, romantic, adventure book.
Mr Ledesma was an old, glum man whose wife had recently passed away. He spent his days slowly making his way up and down the roads to visit her grave; a glum sky being constantly occupied by a rainy day. That’s what it felt like; his face showed this. It was as unhappy as a wilting flower, gentle but depressing; waiting to die. If you looked him in the eye and studied him very carefully you would be able to feel the rainy day hit you exceedingly hard; becoming in a state of depression yourself.
Now you see Mr and Mrs Spradlin; newlyweds. A lovey-dovey couple but only ever in the protected walls of their homes, on the outside the walls of their private domain they wouldn’t touch one another. They wouldn’t even go within one foot of one another. Their hands would not brush gently against the others like most couples and a weird thing was is that they never really spoke much to each other they walked, shopped, sat and all the other things they did, in silence.
These people are just examples…you would think that they were a minority; the gloomy ones. In actual fact, more or less everyone was like this. Now you can imagine what this did to the town; Aside from it being in the middle of nowhere, with the closest town far, far away and being protected by a magical wall, the gloom of all the residents’ definitely made it a non-tourist attraction. It was as if the gloom produced by the entire town folk hung in the air, creating a thick layer; a sort of dome isolating them. Like pollution in those big cities that were far, far away. The ones nobody from this village ever got to see. It wasn’t like they didn’t want to; it’s just whenever someone tried to leave, something happened and they were never seen again.
It wasn’t like they were being superstitious, never to leave beyond the wall; they knew it. They all did. What was happening wasn’t just pretend. They didn’t just believe that there was something out there, which would harm anyone that left. They had experienced it. They knew it. Maybe this was one of the reasons everyone was so miserable. Or maybe it was the war. For about as long as anyone could remember there had been a war going on between two kingdoms: Evitopse and Viegnate (where Ersopt is situated). Still nothing seems to have been gained. Only things lost; land had been destroyed and is no longer inhabitable and many thousands of lives have been lost. It is a complete waste of time, but in this world there has to be conflict. There was usually one person gone from every household, I expect Mr Spradlin would be leaving soon to fight too. Miss Almeria was excused as she was a lone woman but that brings us to the bakery on the far west of the village on a steep hill; it was perfect to watch the sunset on.
The bakery was owned by a family: The Yang family. Unfortunately the member that was away was the father of the household. The mother and her children ran the place, as well as attending school every day without fail. Neither of the children had problems with this, friends, bullies, school work or anything, so they found it easy. They loved it; knowing that they weren’t only helping out their family, but almost everyone else in the village. They both worked very hard and that definitely paid off.
Today however, things were a little different; it was the eldest son’s, Yoseob’s graduation day. His sister, who was a few years younger, loved her brother and looked up to him greatly. It was a big day for them both. And although Yoseob had plans for his own, he knew that with his father gone he had to take over the bakery; stuck inside the wall. Just like every other day of his life. He wanted more. He was a curious soul. However he knew that he couldn’t leave his family; his beloved younger sister and his elderly mother.
That was their school bell; the end of the day. Yang Sohyun ran from her classroom to meet her newly-graduated, small, blonde brother outside the gates, grabbing him in a bone crushing hug.
“Well congratulations! You graduated!” She said in a chirpy voice.
“Shh…you know that if you live here, you have to be gloomy!” He smiled brightly and they laughed together. As if there was suddenly a parting in the clouds above and the sun was shining down. These two; these were by far the most up-beat, cheerful people in the village. As if they were born from droplets of sun and joy and mixed with all the perfect ingredients. Small genes may run in their family but happiness runs big. They both skipped off home together, talking about what they wanted to do in the summer. Neither of them let their minds wander to what might be over that big, thick wall. Sohyun was like Yoseob; she was curious.