Title: The Life of a Barista
Pairing: Xiumin/Luhan
Rating: PG
Warnings: High potential of choking on the cliché
Word Count: 1,180
Summary: The kind of story you would expect when Minseok's a barista and Luhan is his customer. (
Fill for exopromptmeme)
A/N: This was done for a
fill for exopromptmeme a really long time ago and I just decided to repost it up here. Made some edits and changes to the original.
For most days, Minseok really enjoys his job.
There is nothing more therapeutic than brewing a cup of coffee, letting its fragrance waft through the cosy space of the cafe and serving it up to his customers with a lovely smile in accompaniment. Most of the time, the cafe is quiet. Light music languidly resonating with the occasional jingle of doorbells.
This is Minseok's favourite time of the day, where everything is calm, relaxing and-
Minseok closes his eyes and sucks in a deep breath. He is going to need it, he's sure of it. "What do you want, Sehun?"
Sehun cheerily skips into the cafe, his bright pink hair a jarring contrast to the neutral tones in the small establishment. "What's on the menu today?"
"Nothing if you're not paying for it."
Sehun pouts and jabs his finger at the glass display, "But hyung, the peanut butter and nutella cake looks so good!"
"My boss wouldn't be very happy to know that I regularly give free food to delinquent high school students," Minseok replies, deftly wiping the countertop.
"My pink hair is a symbolism of my gay pride," Sehun huffs, straightening his back. "Gay pride that you need some of."
"There is nothing wrong with me," Minseok glares pointedly at the younger male.
"You're getting so pissy, I think it's time to get laid," Sehun says, "Stop cooping yourself in here. Go out, see the world, meet gay people, date gay people, fuck gay people."
Sehun might have declared it a little too loudly because an old couple sitting at the corner of the cafe gives faces of disdain at his outrageous speech.
"You're just saying this because I'm not giving you free food," Minseok deadpans.
"Well," Sehun hesitates, "Yes, that's partly it. But partly because you're not getting any younger and you reek of sexual frustration."
"I do not."
"Just get out of this place."
"I happen to like it here."
"You know what else you would also like? Dicks. And you're only getting them if you go out there once in a while."
"I don't need dicks to complete me. I have my coffee beans and that's good enough."
"Fine!" Sehun throws his hands up in defeat. "If I can't bring you to the gay people, I'll bring the gay people to you!"
Before Minseok can formulate any sort of response, Sehun is already out of the cafe, the doorbells jingling in beat with the jazzy music playing. Minseok guesses Sehun really wanted his cake.
It doesn't happen until three days later. Minseok conveniently forgets all about it and allows himself to appreciate the sanity of a quaint and undisturbed cafe.
Minseok is too busy basking in the coffee-fragrance and jazzy music to realise that a customer has been waiting at the counter. He snaps out of his reverie and strides towards the cash register.
"I'm sorry. Hi, how may I help you?" Minseok says it on autopilot, every syllabus rolling off his tongue smoothly.
His customer is a blonde haired man, looking around the same age as he is with eyes glimmering like stars. Minseok thinks that it's the reflection of the cafe's low-hanging ceiling lights. But upon further inspection, he swears he can almost see hearts dancing in his pupils. The customer stares at him with such intensity that he could burn the whole store down without trying.
Minseok shifts around awkwardly, not knowing how to react to his immobile customer and so he gingerly waves a hand in front of the said man's face. "Hello?" he quietly calls out, "Sir?"
That seems to do it because the customer regains his composure and says, "You must be Minseok."
Weirded out by the whole situation, Minseok's sarcasm kicks in instinctively, "Yeah, the name tag helps." He gestures at the gold name tag pinned on the left of his uniform and realises a second too late that the blonde guy is still his customer and he shouldn't be rude - as said by Section B line 26 of his employee manual.
"I'm Luhan," the blond, now known as Luhan introduces, "I'm Sehun's friend."
"Oh." Minseok's face falls immediately. Anything that has to do with Sehun is either bad news or screaming trouble. He refuses to entertain anything related to the spawn of the Devil. "Get something or get out."
"Wow, harsh." Luhan smiles, "But I like it."
"Are you gonna get anything?" Minseok sighs.
"Can I get your number?"
"There are many things in life you can get," Minseok replies, "my number is not one of them."
Luhan pouts.
Yup, he is definitely one with Sehun, which makes him a pawn of Satan too. Maybe some holy water would help get rid of him. Nonetheless, work is work and so he begrudgingly asks, "Would you like some coffee instead?"
"Vanilla latte please," Luhan orders, flashing a saccharine sweet smile.
Minseok scoffs and keys in the order, "That'll be four-fifty."
"Luhan," Minseok calls, leaning on his mop. "We're closing. Kindly get your ass out of this chair, you have been here for five hours."
"Already on first name basis? Wow, I like how fast we're progressing," Luhan grins, "Before you know it, we'll be shopping for furnitures for our future love nest!"
Minseok squints and wonders what the fuck is wrong with this guy really. Minseok is just a poor university student struggling to pay for his rent but no, besides sweeping floors and wiping windows, he has to deal with socially inapt customers like Luhan. Is having a normal life too much to ask for?
"Please," Minseok begs, "Just go home, Luhan."
"Fine," Luhan says, standing up from his seat and fixing his hair, "but I'll be back."
And Luhan comes back the next day.
And the day after next.
And the next.
And the next.
And the next.
And the next.
And the next.
And Minseok gives Luhan his number.
The next time Sehun visits the cafe, he receives a slice of peanut butter nutella cake.
"On the house," Minseok explains, pushing it towards the younger boy.
Sehun sniffs, "Smells like someone is getting laid. How's Luhan hyung?"
"Fuckin' good in bed." A voice from behind shouts, earning strange looks from people in the cafe. Luhan walks over to the counter, leans over and lightly kisses Minseok on the cheek. "Hey sweet pea, ready to go?"
"For the last time, Luhan," Minseok states, "I am not your sweet pea. If you call me that again, your dick is going to have fun with your right hand for the next two weeks."
Sehun chuckles as Luhan jabs him in the ribs.
Minseok enters the back of the store, and returns a minute later with a changed shirt and his bag pack.
"Bye Sehun," Minseok waves as Luhan links their fingers together.
"Who's going to mend the store?" Sehun asks.
Minseok points behind him and Sehun turns around, only to come face to face with a tanned boy with tousled hair and a hot body.
Aye Mamamia.