Tuesday Night Rants

Sep 01, 2009 16:16

School is back in session and I am swamped with homework and you know what I could care less. I am just excited that I am not stuck in my house doing absolutely nothing all day long and I will take homework over that any day. So all day I have noticed things that drive me absolutely insane and most of them come from my pharmacology.

1. I thought humans were creatures of habit but yet in all of my tuesday/thursday classes except Italian no one sits where they sat the previous class period. It isn't that it makes me uneasy but more agitated. I wish I could just stand up and be like "hey that is not where you sat last time get up and move for the sake of my sanity" but I do know that the world does not revolve around me so I sit there quietly and observe. You can tell when some people walk in and someone else is in their seat they are a little annoyed by just their body language.

2. Melissa is a girl that sits next to me that I have had in a class before...what class I am not quite sure but she is one of those people that if you met her before and come in contact with her again you know. Melissa is taking this class because she wants to be a chiropractor. Melissa thinks that she is an undergraduate with a PhD and let me tell you  am about to shoot her in the face. Melissa decides that she is going to interrupt Dr. Birkett during lecture the whole class period to give her point of view. Dr. Birkett starts talking about something and Melissa decides she has a better answer, example, or way of explaining it and just starts speaking. Melissa even takes it upon herself to answer students questions and tell them that their hypothetical questions are wrong and could never happen and as she is doing this she raises her voice and probably an eyebrow. a disapproving eyebrow. I gave my little rant about how people should sit in the same place but i don't think Melissa should sit by me anymore. Why should she move you ask? Simply because I was there first. I like my spot in the middle of the room and I don't want a hateful look for sitting in someone else's seat.

3. I feel really bad for the people that sit behind or beside me because i am a constant fidgeter. I don't ever remember fidgeting in high school but there is something about college classrooms that make it impossible for me to sit still. I am playing in my hair, moving around, scratching, going in my backpack, doodling, putting my hands o my face or simply looking around.

This is Laketia signing off until next time good night folks.
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