Feb 17, 2005 14:42
whats the best way to start out ur birthday? sick? yeah ok thought so. so i was in a bad mood to begin with, and i snapped on everyone all day. everyone was trying to make me feel better, i got lots of cute presents, everyone was way nice. ok, so a picture i didnt want the whole school seeing was posted all over.....its not a big deal and i completely overreacted. i was such a bitch to everyone all day, and no one deserved it. i feel sick as hell, ive had a fever for 2 days straight (i rarely ever get fevers), and when people hug me and try to make me feel better i feel worse. im sorry, but when im in a bad mood, or im sick, id rather be alone. its no ones fault im sick, and everyone really did have no intentions, so not only do i feel like crap regardless, but now i feel guilty. great. great way to start my year being 17 right? happy birthday to me.