Red That Flows Over
When I met him, I noticed everything about him was red. Is hair was red, I loved that. It was soft but strong when I pulled on it. I didn't like how he put so much gel in it for matches but I was satisfied to wash it out before we had sex. He liked when I washed his hair, he'd close his eyes and relax. It was a nice peaceful moment. Red was the color of his favorite desert and fruit, cherries and cherry pie. He'd nibble at the little red fruits whenever he had the chance. I loved to watch, it was an arousing sight. Then later in bed when I smeared the pie all over him, that was really my favorite part.
Red wasn't just that though, red was our tennis uniforms, and his favorite color, it was one of the colors associated with his favorite season, and the colors that came with his favorite holiday. It was him as well, his lips right before we kiss, his tongue while we kissed, and his cheeks afterwards. That was middle and high school and maybe four or five years after. We lived nicely in our innocent world.
Red became different as we became different. Work and stress began to invade our lives, and then our relationship. It made fractures that couldn't be fixed. Red became the anger I felt as I watched him interact with other people, he had to be polite and personable. I didn't like it one bit, but it made him successful and popular. Red was the anger that bubbled up inside me when he didn't come home till very early in the morning because he was celebrating his success. Red was the drunken flush on his face. Red was the color of his blood as it ran down the walls, blossomed on his shirt,... and red was the color of my hands as they took me away. Even though the blood was gone, it was still there.
Red, red, red that flowed over like a river.
A/N: This was extremely morbid. For those of you who couldn't figure out who it was the Narrator is Bane-san from Rokkaku or well, it could really be anyone on that team, except David who was obviously the other character. Yeah, inspired by 30 kill's #19 Red and 30 angsts A #20 Violence, and Macbeth. The blood thing with the hands. Yeah, Lady Macbeth's “out damned spot” inspired that part.