Fire Rises is a mature, dark themed AU game set in Chicago. Het and GLBQT characters are all welcome here.
Make or 'recycle' your character's journal please don't join other communities with it that are not part of Fire Rises RP, also don't forget to make a 'friends only' (screened) post.
OOC stuff
Your name/alias:
Time zone:
IC stuff
name: your character's name.
place of residence: please choose one of Chicago's neighborhoods
here played-by: check to see if they're available
here and specify if it was held.
physical description:
in case of emergency, notify: can be immediate family, significant other, roommate
personal weaknesses: choose at least three
here personal strengths: this should not outnumber your weaknesses, choose
here occupation: what do they do for their moneys?
who am I: please have at least two paragraphs, include family, childhood. you can write a bio, a list of 15 detailed facts, or a first entry.
optional: what song best illustrates your character?
aim screenname: must relate to your character and have the name within.
journal: see above, leave an unlinked version.
writing sample: for your first character, please provide a writing sample, should be third person past, at least two paragraphs
OOC stuff
Your name/alias: Time zone: IC stuff
name: your character's name.
age: gender: place of residence: choose one of Chicago's neighborhoods
played-by: check to see if they're available and specify if it was held.
sexuality: physical description: personality: in case of emergency, notify: can be immediate family, significant other, roommate
personal weaknesses: choose at least three
personal strengths: this should not outnumber your weaknesses
occupation: what do they do for their moneys?
who am I: please have at least two paragraphs, include family, childhood. you can write a bio, a list of 15 detailed facts, or a first entry.
optional: what song best illustrates your character?
aim screenname: must relate to your character and have the name within.
journal: see above, leave an unlinked version.
writing sample: for your first character, please provide a writing sample, should be third person past, at least two paragraphs
Please post the application to an entry in your journal and post a link below. You can dropbox, email or PM your writing sample. Don't forget to friend
firerisesmod if you friend lock the application.