Mar 02, 2006 13:42
ug... no not the cave man. thats my new term for the way things have been going. it seems to fit rather nicely. the only thing i keep saying is oh boy.
work sucks. but i'm too tired to mull over the reasons why it sucks.
its flat as pancakes in the great state of florida and has been in our neck of the woods for some time. some winter huh boys and girls.
and for whatever ungodly reason i find myself again in a financial pickle. normally i love pickles (dill not sweet) but this one chaps my glutes. i make plenty of money but somehow have none when i need it. theres just seems to be so much month left at the end of the check.
oh and God and i aren't too hot right now. unbelievable. me and God not getting along??? this too sucks something fierce.
there are however a few bright spot in this sea of sweet pickles. hallie is the most amazing person in the world and deffinitely the worlds best girlfriend.
my friends bola, scott, lauren, jamie, and all the rest seem to make things better.
and the prospect of moving to melbourne has my spirits trembling with excitement. oh and durpee is coming down. so all in all i guess i have a lot to be thankful for.
but those of you that pray, pray for me and God to get our relationship back on track. and those who know anything about money management gimme a call. and whoever turned off my freakin waves please be a dear and turn them back on. this is just getting rediculous. as far as work goes, well i guess work is supposed to suck so whatever.
is all this talk about pickles making anyone else hungry?