(no subject)

Oct 22, 2005 21:35



[[10 Favorites]]
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Food: idk
Favorite Band: Relient K
Favorite Sport: i've given up playing sports...i plain suck. To watch Michigan Football. The Big House Rules!
Favorite Season: summer
Favorite Day Of the Week: sunday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: pistachio
Favorite Time of Day: midday
[[9 Currents]]
Current Mood: complacent/contemplative (lj mood choices :P)
Current Taste: popsicle
Current Clothes: jeans, grey hoodie
Current Computer Background: Chicago
Current Finger/Toenail: short
Current Time: 9:51
Current Surroundings: Living room
Current Annoyance(s): none
Current Thought: I really should be doing hw
[[8 Firsts]]
First Best Friend: dalton burrows
First Love: 'What is love anyway?'
First Screen Name: mattboba
First Pet: dog Muppy
First Piercing: none
First Crush: Becca johnson
First Music: newsboys
First Car: my hot wheels cars!
[[7 Last]]
Last Cigarette: no first
Last Drink: water
Last Car Ride: from buying my costume (i drove)
Last Text Message: Scott
Last Movie Seen in Theaters: Dark Water. It sucked.
Last Phone call: James
Last CD Played: Its been a long time since that...switchfoot i think
[[6 Have You Ever]]
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: no
Have You Ever Broken the Law: yes
Have You Ever Been Arrested: no
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: no
Have You Ever Been on TV: yes
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: yes
[[5 Things]]
You're Wearing: grey hoodie, jeans, blue shirt under hoodie, socks, glasses (too lazy to put contacts in)
You Did Last Night: homework, homework, homework, homework, homework.
You called: 1-800-Call-sam, James (he's asian, so 'things' fits...i think...jk), (i'm just gonna do ppl) Joana, Jeremy, House
Last text: those cost money on my stupid plan
Last fight: no bad fights ever
[[4 Places]]
1. stevenson
2. cousino's track
3. stevenson's theatre
4. haunted house
[[3 People You Can Tell Anything To]]
1. Will Dillon
2. Sam Shrum
3. hmm...i know! James (as long as you whisper it in his left ear) lol
[[2 Choices]]
1. Black or White: black
2. Hot or Cold: both. Not warm, just both.
[[1 Person You'd Do Anything For]
1. no one, sadly.

that's all, just wanted to add some content
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