{14} - voice;

Jun 26, 2010 02:02

When I was a child, I looked forward to the future with an optimism that only a child can possess. I viewed everything with wide eyes and an open mind. I cared not much for the idea of fate: that no matter my actions, my future was set in stone. And as a child, I loved that uncertainty. I loved waking up every morning with the idea that I lived eached day as if writing the story of my life line by line, page by page.

It is interesting, really, how one's outlook on life changes between childhood and adulthood. Perspectives change, and not always for the better. I view the future now with a sort of fearful reverance. The future brought me an angel. Yet, it also brought me a nightmare and the idea that for some, the story of my life is already written, and I am doing little more than following the path to a predetermined outcome.

I believe I prefer an uncertain future to a certain one.

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