Ok, can't vent my frustration anywhere else ('cept with my roomie), so here goes:
Our friend, we've come to notice, is most likely a pathalogical liar.
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_can_you_tell_if_someone_is_a_pathological_liar Like a freaking checklist.
In the last ten days, and these are just the whoppers:
1 hospital visit. We were supposed to go on a triple date....her guy wasn't sure he could make it. She and my roommate were constantly in touch, trying to figure out if she was going or not
Phone call 1: She's sitting watching TV
Phone call 2: (10 minutes later) Getting in the shower
Phone call 3: (10 minutes later) out, watching TV, "not feeling good", and hangs up on sara when she suggests that the girl call her intended date instead of sara calling both back & forth.
Phone call 4: Sara's been calling her back, I call her....30 minutes later "oh, my phone's not working" (she has two cell phones, different numbers, and they were both conveniently out of order).
This is when she says that she JUST GOT HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL. Ladies, I tell you. It is IMPOSSIBLE for her to have driven to the hospital, been seen/treated and have driven home, especially on a Saturday night, in 30 minutes. She was well enough, though, to go out and party that night. Hmmm .
One Car Accident:
She was late to our sorority meeting last sunday. Stormed in, threw herself down and sulked the whole time (note: there's a $2 fine for being late to a meeting. Whoopie.) At the end she starts telling everyone how she got in an accident in the parking lot...a porche somehow hit her trailer hitch (on her 3/4 ton truck) and spun it around.
Story A) she was backing out and he hit her.
Problem: That parkinglot was PACKED. She couldn't have spun. Besides, he'd have to have been going very fast. AND how would him hitting her with his door (where they supposedly connected) spin her? Anyway.
Story B) She was driving through an intersection in the lot and he clipped her. Again, no room to spin. Again, can't get up to speed in that lot. And again, door to hitch?
There have been a couple different versions told, and she's told a few different versions about the damage to her truck (none!) and what she's done about it (type/location of damage, shop she went to/if she went at all)
BOTH of her laptops crashed, erasing ALL her Vet School Apps. All this to get out of a 30 minute sorority event.
There are a ton of little lies, a made up beau in Pismo, details about her family life, etc, but these three in such quick succession?
Kinda sad....thought we'd be friends for a long time.