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karen j carlisle. You can comment here or
It’s official!
A Fey Tale is being launched at the Tea Tree Gully Library on 8th December at 2.00pm.
I’ll also be talking about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s visit to Adelaide in 1920, and the fairy doors hidden around the city.
I’ll have paperback copies for sale (and also copies of my other books). They make great Christmas present
There’ll be tea and bikkies as well.
For more info:
https://www.teatreegully.sa.gov.au/Events-programs-and-activities/Eventbrite/A-Fey-Tale-book-launch-208385244877 Register for (free) ticket at:
https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/a-fey-tale-book-launch-tickets-208385244877 For overseas/interstate: - (tech willing) there will be a livestream (message me if you want to know more about this).
Feel free to share!
#imageDescription: A fairy seen under a microscope, surrounded by blue, red, and green fairies. Background is blue, surrounded by an Art Deco border with geometric corners.
Text: A Fey Tale
Book Launch: 8th Dec @2pm, Tea Tree Gully Library -
https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/a-fey-tale-book-launch-tickets-208385244877 Aunt Enids’s back. But something’s changed. A deal with fairies… to solve a mystery, and prevent a war.
www.karenjcarlisle.com/shop ]
#AFeyTale #AuntEnid #bookLaunch #KarenJCarlisle #indieauthor #AussieAuthor #setInAdelaide #TeaTreeGullyLibrary #bookOnline #AuntenidMysteries #useImageDescriptionForAccessibility #useCapitalsInHashTagsForAccessibility #useAltText