Originally published at
karen j carlisle. You can comment here or
My first live to my page via FB!
I’m planning on doing a short live possibly Saturday and Sunday (just before 10am?) as Adelaide Steampunk Festival starts, and possilby one during set up on Friday afternoon (if I can work out how to do it on my phone).
It’ll be posted on my
Karen J Carlisle FB page. I’ll be zooming or skyping in live AT the festival from my table all weekend to chat to attendees and readers at the event. (Argh! This week has been a crash course in using computery technology stuff!)
If you’re in Adelaide (and don’t need to quarantine), I have a table (with my books, some mugs, and badges - and my Dearheart) at stall/table #8
Come along and say hi to David. He’ll be manning the table. I’ll be there virtually… If you buy a book, you’ll get an exclusive signed and numbered book plate - only available for this event!
S.M. Kemmett - The Word Tailor (and my editor) will be sharing my table - with her new book - a steampunk fantasy adventure with cryptids!
I’m also doing some ‘virtual’ talks at the event over the weekend.