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It’s almost time for the 2020 Adelaide Steampunk Festival. This is the 7th year for the event…
Plot #1: Virtually there.
… and the first I won’t be able to attend in person, as an author. Argghhh.
Covid sucks. I’m still stuck at home. Being in (a couple of) risk groups is frustrating. I made some masks, but really should do what I’m told. So I’ll be at home… but my Dearheart will be manning the table. I’ll be Skyping in all day (tech allowing) to chat to you.
Plus there’s more!
Click to view
Plot #2: Pre-order ‘click & collect’ for books
- to minimise contact during Covid times, and to make sure you get your copy (stocks getting low - my books are printed in Victoria and there are print and post issues).
I’ve been working on my webpage book shop to create book bundles to make it easier to pre-order your books - click, and collect at the Adelaide Steampunk Festival in two weeks.
CLICK HERE to order your books to collect at Adelaide Steampunk Festival 2020.
Plot #3: Exclusive Bookplates
- I won’t be there personally to sign your books but, never fear! I have a plan. I’ve designed exclusive bookplates - only available for this event. If you pre-order your books to ‘click & collect’, then you get a personalised, signed, and numbered bookplate. If you buy at the event (book stocks permitting), you get a signed and numbered bookplate.
Plot #4: Video/Live talks
-depending on technology, I’m hoping to pre-record or Zoom in live to do a talk for the 100th anniversary of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s visit to Adelaide (and possibly one on fairies)… just trying to sort out the tech for the weekend.