First Video Livechat done!

Aug 08, 2020 14:28

Originally published at karen j carlisle. You can comment here or there.

Phew. It worked! Without too many hitches.

What you missed out on:
  1. me and technology,
  2. tea cups,
  3. rescheduling of ‘A Fey Tale’s’ release/book launch, 
  4. book reading order for my steampunk books,
  5. how my books relate to each other
  6. some spoilers on future planned books, fantasy books, 
  7. and research for ‘A Fey Tale’
  8. when I started writing

A big thank you to all my Patreon supporters for helping me reach my first monthly goal.

For those Conspirators and above who missed out on watching the videochat live, you can follow the link to watch it at your leisure.  Don’t forget to send in questions you’d love to have answered next month.  If you want to join me next month, don’t forget to support me at PATREON.

The next video live chat will be Sat 5th September (as Adelaide Steampunk Festival is on the 12th - and I haven’t worked out how to do a video live onsite as yet…)

Mark it in your diaries - Sat 5th, 11.30am-12.30pm (ACST - Adelaide time).

department of curiosities, steamunk festival, steampunk, aunt enid mysteries, the adventures of viola stewart, q&a, patreon, viola stewart, livestream, the department of curiosities, the aunt enid mysteries, viola stewart adventures, live chat, video, processes, video live chat, writing

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