Originally published at
karen j carlisle. You can comment here or
Another, online one, appears.
I’ve been asked to be the guest author/speaker at
Critical Mass SF discussion group, Adelaide. (online event). They usually meet in Adelaide CBD. From this month, they are meeting via Zoom to practice safe social/spatial distancing.
This is my first official online event; I hope I can wrangle the technology!
The meeting is on Wednesday, 1st of April, and will start at 7pm (Adelaide time, 30 mins later in Melbourne ), run for 40 mins, then take a 10-minute tea/coffee/G&T break and re-convene at 7:50 (Adelaide time) for the final half hour.
To join the meeting, you will need to provide the following information to zoom*: Join Zoom Meeting at 7pm:
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/242593495 Meeting ID: 242 593 495
Join meeting at 7:50pm:
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/130077258 Meeting ID: 130 077 258
Please note the different meeting ID for part 2 of the meeting
*If you need some guidance in using zoom, here’s a useful video on joining meetings:
https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-Meeting More details about the event are