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karen j carlisle. You can comment here or
There’s a lot of news this month!
Aunt Enid Update:
The first box of my new book arrived and have been unboxed. Six months of work and it’s now in print!
I made a video of the unboxing…
Click to view
Last month, Patreon supporters and newsletter subscribers got a sneak peek inside the paperback. And here it is. The paperback has bonus artwork, short story and a recipe (not in the eBook).
For information on where to buy (or to buy direct from me - post within Australia only at this time), then check out my website store:
The paperback should be available to online bookshops and local books shops from 1st July (depending on who buys or orders it).
I’ll also have copies at the Adelaide Steampunk Festival (15-16 Sept) and Adelaide Supanova (2-5 Nov).
Pre-ordered books will be posted next week.
Paperback Launch Upcoming reviews, guest blog posts:
Upcoming Anthology Short Story
My short story, The Case of the Murderous Migraine, was accepted for the
Deadsteam anthology by Grimmer and Grimmer Books. It is scheduled for October, 2018 publication.
‘The Department of Curiosities’ Cover Models:
My book cover models for ‘The Department of Curiosities’ are now confirmed.
Miss Mathilda Meriwether (Tillie):
Meet our heroine, Tillie - Felicity Grace.
Professor Allington:
Blake is an award-winning hatter (
Blakesby Hats) by day and a dapper dresser by night (and day). He’s also a lovely person. He loves 1920s style and has attended many of our local steampunk events.
You can also follow him on
(Photo: © Sam Dickinson.)
I found this on Instagram:
Photos: ©2018 Karen Carlisle
©2018 Sam Dickinson and @justonestepgreece (on Instagram)