Originally published at
karen j carlisle. You can comment here or
This month has been a hard slog. Not only have I been battling ‘return of the sinus infection (and laryngitis)’ but the black dog has been nipping at my heels - egged on by an insensitive insurance company. But I’ve battled on in spite of them.
A big thank you to my beta readers, who have returned my formatted-for-paperback manuscript and have found some mistakes in the first manuscript. (There’s always some things missed first and second time round - This is actually a good thing). My apologies to those who have already purchased an eBook copy. It’s now corrected and uploaded the new file to
Smashwords. If you’ve already purchased it, then you can update it now.
The paperback files are going to the printer this week so I can get the proof copy (and check it all over again). All going well, I will be making my first order end of next week (ish).
Thank you to those who have pre-ordered - for your patience and support.