Aunt Enid is coming… Just running a bit late…

May 06, 2018 09:30

Originally published at karen j carlisle. You can comment here or there.

Aunt Enid should be finished later this month. I’ve had to reschedule the official launch to 21st May.  29th May.

I’m still battling the respiratory issues from the burn offs when I was in Melbourne. Regular readers will know I get bronchitis from dust, pollution/smog and smoke. At least this year I’ve only had two bouts (over a month) rather than the three-month-long battle of last year. (I currently rattle when I move.)

The doctor said to ‘drink more green tea’ to help. So I am:

Until then, you can find out more about me and Aunt Enid over the next few weeks, by following the pre-book launch events.
  • I had a pre-order promo was held at Melbourne Supanova.  A big thank you to those who have pre-ordered your paperback copies. You rock!
    I will email you around the 14th with an update (due to the schedule change) and then as soon as the book is finished and back from the printers. Apologies for the unexpected date changes.

I have there are three interviews organised over the next three weeks.

And finally, I will be having a FB book launch event (currently scheduled for  Monday 21st
EDIT: (Another health relapse. date has been rescheduled for Tuesday 29th May).  You can say hello, ask me questions and win eBook copies of Aunt Enid, during the day.

There is also an eBook sale (66% off) running from 29th May to 15th June if you want a copy.
(Click here to find out how to get your copy)
Voucher code available
29th May.

book launch, books, thinking, aunt enid, health, conventions, challenges, aunt enid mysteries, novella, ebook sale, processes, writing

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