Inktober 2015

Oct 07, 2015 10:35

Originally published at karen j carlisle. You can comment here or there.

I almost forgot! Again. Last year I remembered too late. I vowed this year I would remember. I did, but…

I penciled my first drawing. Grabbed my calligraphy box and…
Ran out of bottled ink. My last ink pen had dried out. Fail.  I finally managed to get to the art shop on Saturday and bought new pens - the last black pens they had left in the shop - and more ink for my nibs. Was it my destiny to miss inktober again?

Undaunted I did some scribblings and caught up the three days. Not too detailed, I admit but, Inktober is happening. Phew.

It has been too long since I have picked up my inkpens (or nibs) and played. I do miss it.

Here are the first week of offerings. You can find all of my drawings on:


and my favourite:

ink, fun, inktober, drawing, art

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