Day 13....

Nov 01, 2008 03:57

It is halloween and apparently France does it big like the US.
Saw some kids on the metro going to a party. Speaking of the metro.... don't try it at about 4.30-5.00pm. Squishy worse than sardines. The doors would not shut half the time. I thought we were full and still they squished in at the stops!!!
Last food shop before we leave for Florence on Monday. Sat we are sightseeing and Sunday the shops are closed (yes, Westfield in Australia that insists that*all* the world shops on Sunday... and i have heard them quote Europe... well not much is open here in Paris on Sunday unless it is touristy..)

Today we tried another of the 'grantis' museums. Musee Carnavalet. We did two metro lines and navigated (sucessfully) the narrow Paris streets and did not get lost. We saw a neat shop that carves wood for reproduction and restoration.. specialising in 15th to 18th C... Oh, William would have had kittens!!!!!!!!

Musee Carnavalet - I had never heard of it... it is cool. (the medieval section was closed today but it has archeology stuff found from other excavations, Renaissance stuff through 17th-19C...
Devora oscarpasz  would have loved the Revolution era stuff....(remind me and I will give you some copies of the pics we took)

Each section had 'display' rooms to show you the grandeur!
Some pics here (mainly ren stuff)... for William and other SCAers...

Henri III schole francais fin 16thC
Marie de medici by Wierix (1554 1619)

Nicolas Visscher (1550- 1612) Freres Odet Gaspard Francois de Coligny

Medieval 6th 7th C

 The gardens were glorious and surprisingly, looking out a window... there was a Monk's garden complete with herbs etc...

The architecture.. Again I noticed a lot of people don't bother (or seem to) look at the actual building which dates back hundreds of years!
Check out the stairs and the painting beyond that blends in...

and don't forget to look up.. most roofs were decorated, patined and gilded!!!

museum, holiday, furniture, paris

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