Sep 30, 2003 08:46
Now first of all, read the first comment, I never unsulted the THEM meetings at all Its the equvalent of saying I like pizza but I"d rather not have mushrooms on it. Granted if some one else likes mushrooms I'm not going to hate them for it or think less of them because so. I simple stated that I am not going to attend the meetings because I have other things to do with my time. I didn't say (originally) that they where a bad idea or that the people who attended them. Granted with out them(refering to the meetings not the group) nothing would get accomplished. However there are enough people there to do things that my contribution would not be needed. With me not being needed there and the fact that I have things to do I stated that it is a Personnel waste of time. Not a waste of Miwa's time,not a waste to any one that went, just MY personnel feelings toward the meetings and how the relate to ME, soley. Does everyone see what I mean with this? I hope so.
I wouldn't have minded if we stated that it wasn't, in his opinion, wasn't a waste. If he would have said that I would have made a better attepmt to clarify my self, but no. Being High and mighty that he is, has to take offence to something that isn't even supposed to be an insult and throw in that last comment to treat me like a socially inept retard. I'm sick of his attitide and intollerablility to a different opinion.
Granted how I responded was out of line, but tired of laying down all the time and letting people run over me, I picked up the glove, and returned the smaked across the face. (metaphoricallyspeaking of coarse.) I recieved just the reaction I was looking for from him. I am not sorry for what I said (although what I said was hollow because it didn't have any truth to it)it was nothing more than a verbal parry to the initial attack against me.
Miwa I have nothing against you personally, you have many resectable qualities but. Knock it off. Seriously it really irritates my when you start insulting people(anyone not just me) just because they don't have the same views as you.
Let everone pass judgement as they wish, I stand by what I say here.