Aug 22, 2008 21:34
Ugh, I cannot believe I just spent 3 1/2 hours shopping. After seven hours working. I was pretty much on my feet from nine in the morning to nine at night. Tried on a $300 pair of jeans...didn't fit. It was probably for the best, though it was really just for kicks. In the end, I bought some eyeliner and a cute little shirt. Had to resist the urge to buy another polo....I've spent way too much money lately. I just paid off both credit cards and the electricity bill, and rent will be due on the first....not to mention application fees for grad schools. Definitely not in the budget for a $13 polo, since I had already spent $16.50 on eyeliner, $10 on a tee, and $8 on dinner. Yes, I really am that poor. <3