May 09, 2007 23:11
I was laid off from the Lodge in January. I wanted to wait to update this thing until I got a new job. It is now May.
Living in Frostburg is pretty much great. The weather has finally started to warm up, and if I so choose I can just leave my front door open and lounge around.
Scott decided to move out early. He never ended up re-registering for classes, and he never got a job here. He went home all the time. I don't know why he didn't cancel his lease months ago. But he took the bulk of his stuff home Easter weekend, and then came back for the first time 5 days ago to get more stuff. He stayed the night and left in the morning.
This semester, I took all English classes. Brit Lit, Linguistics, History of English, Fiction, and Poetry. Linguistics and HEL have the same teacher. She seems to like me, and I get pretty good grades in both classes. Brit Lit is taught by Snelson, who's awesome. The guy who teachers Fiction is a little odd. He only had us write one story the whole semester. Waste of time. The poetry teacher all of sudden started being really nice to me last week or so. He offered to be my adviser (the one I had before was the teacher from last semester's Shakespeare class. She and I didn't get along so well, and she's the wrong concentration anyway), he brought the class doughnuts because I persuaded him to, and he asked if I was interested in a week long summer internship-ish-thing. He's a cool guy. I'm hoping that this semester will bring my GPA up.
In November, I crashed Dave's car. I was driving it back to Frostburg from MoCo on the day that there were tornado warnings and people were dying in South Carolina and VA. I hit a patch of road consumed by flash flooding, and Dave's one new tire kept traction while the other three did not. I swerved, swerved more, did a 360, and ended up backed up into the guard rail in the median (I had started in the right lane). I was very lucky that there were no cars near me on the road at the time, and that I hit at the back (left) corner rather than the front. I did a good amount of damage to the car, but no one was hurt. Shortly thereafter, Squishface went into a coma. It would have cost over a thousand dollars to fix her. It was time for a new car. Dave and I took the train down on December 4th... which was very nice. If anyone can take that train ride, they should. My dad picked us up from the Rockville train station and took us to DarCars where I purchased my very own (as much as I wanted a Prius) 2007 Toyota Corolla. She has yet to be named, but I had Squishface for over a year before she was named. My dad pitched in a $5000 deposit (Merry Christmas), and my excellent credit score got me a low interest rate. I will be paying for this car until 2012. Between those payments and insurance, I've doubled what I pay each month from rent alone ($400 --> $800+).
My car is a beautiful blue.
I finally parted with Squishface in, I think, March. Maybe April. She had been staying at the Toyota dealership outside of Cumberland, waiting for me to sign her over to the repairman there (they estimated that she was worth about as much as the bill for doing an estimate, so if I gave her to them, they'd call it even). It was tough getting the title, but even more tough to hand it over. I cleaned her out and said a tearful goodbye. I've passed by there one time since. She was still out there. I miss her a lot. I know she's still got some fire in her. I hope he takes care of her.
Every kitty I've ever known is sick. *cries*
But at least my mom has a million bunnies. One of them is giant. And one of them is a secret.
My birthday is approaching almost as quickly as the end of the semester, seeing as my last final is the day before my birthday. I'll be turning 21. Finally. It doesn't feel real. It seems like I'll be 21 for one day, and then after that I'll lose the privileged for another year or so. That would suck. I'm having people up to Frostburg. That will not suck. Hopefully. (Dear friends, don't suck. Love, Jen.)
I got glasses.
Dave and I have been going home a lot lately to work on the deck. We've needed the money (see paragraphs 1 and 5). Dave's been through several jobs since we've been here. Gamestop hired him for all of, like, two months? Whatever the Christmas season is. Then he had this job at a gym that was almost an hour away where he called people to offer them free trial subscriptions. That didn't last long. Then, at my suggestion, he applied to Subway and got the job. So he's joined the ranks of so many others (pretty much everyone I know has either worked at Subway, Starbucks, or as an EMT). That lasted another month or two. He's not so good at making subs. But at any rate, working on the deck has brought in a lot of money, which is beneficial to everyone. All the cross-pieces are in, which was the bulk of what needed to be done. Next the waterproofing, then the railing, then cleaning around and under the deck (pool party!?!)... then on to the shed. But really, a lot more is done than it sounds. It's been real nice seeing people every weekend. I've missed a good number of you a good bit. Linda and Lauren particularly. I don't see either of them enough.
Dave took the train home today. We walked around Cumberland while waiting for it (it's always late), which was very nice. Such a quaint little town (city). I go home Friday. This might be the last weekend that this happens (consistently) for a while.
I got a job today.