holiday update

Dec 24, 2008 10:50

i am utterly bored right now. It is Christmas Eve and I am at Aglaw. Out of approx 30 people, only 11 are actually here today. So, it is extremely quiet. We have Judith's Wii set up and we have tons of goodies. A few of us are even drinking some spiked coffee :)

Well, I graduated 11 days ago. It was really an emotional moment for myself. I was so happy that I got through all of my studies, but I was sad to leave it all behind. My family came to support me (and scary enough, they got along!) and Whitney did too. I had a really good time. It was tough because I had to say goodbye to two of my favorites- Rob and Ryan.

I thankfully started my first day in the "real world" off to a great start. I was able to get a salaried, benefited job with the state right off the bat. I am very lucky to have this position during this economic state. I absolutely love the job, because I am in the same office as before with the best people around. I am already benefiting with the fact that I am getting paid Dec 25, 26 & Jan 1, 2 for not going to work! Woohoo! I am really excited for my first paycheck. It's going to be a nice one. I got cut off from my parent's insurance (last thing left besides the cell phone bill- yay) and I am able to start the new year off with new insurance... cheap too! I am really happy to stay in Tallahassee for now. I feel like I fall in love with the city more and more everyday.

In a few hours I am going to be able to get out of work and start my drive to PH for a quick little getaway (2 days) and then off to Orlando for the Champs Bowl. yay. Go Noles!

Have a good holiday. It's time for some FSUopoly haha
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