Apr 05, 2008 22:39
When I was a young lad, I was obsessed with Shreddies. Loved them as a breakfast cereal, and saw them as treats, since we didn't usually get the "brand name" cereals too often. High costs, and all that jazz.
I was usually stuck with Puffed Wheat, which came in a bag suited for horse food, which is sort of fitting, I suppose.
Nevertheless, Shreddies once had an awesome promotion that I just HAD to take them up on...
Mail three UPC codes, plus $6.75 shipping and handling, and I could have my very own poster of the starship Enterprise.
Not just any Enterprise, but the Galaxy Class NCC-1701-D from The Next Generation, in a perfect beauty pose in space, to adorn my bedroom walls that were adjacent to a bespeckled ceiling, that was filled with glow in the dark stars.
With the help of my parents, and a little early birthday money, I was able to buy the third box of Shreddies that got me the poster, all I had to do was mail it.
Not quite understanding the concept of mail, I expected my poster the next day. It didn't come.
I waited the week. Then two weeks. Then a month.
About a month and a half, around this time of year in fact, it finally arrived in a long tube (it was also the first time I ever had something addressed to ME from the mail!).
I opened it up so carefully, pulled it out, and there it was... freshly printed, and ready to go above my collection of technical journals and astronomy books.
I was in heaven!
I loved that poster, and broght it with me to the next house my family moved to. I remember that vividly, and had it up. So, where is it now?
I have an actual blockage in my memory, and can't for the life of me figure out why... Where did it go? I wouldn't have left it on a wall, where is it?