May 26, 2008 01:42
There's a BIGGGG Thunderboomer a-coming this-a way.
I did some lots of painting, and taping the Kitchen for next paint job. I'm thinking of doing the embossed ceiling paper in the Kitchen, too. It hides a lot of the imperfections in an old house like this. Once I finish Apt.#4, it won't need much else for a long time.
The rain is coming down now. It smells so fresh, with the storm doing its ion-thingy. I can't tell if the radar is showing the edge or the full storm from my IPhone. It doesn't show the images in motion, like this laptop. (which I should check, seeing as I'm online for the moment).
Monday, I'll be cooking out, invited some friends over. All our welcome. Just call ahead, I'll get more vittles.