Mar 27, 2007 06:15
My mother called me last night, and they had found my grandfather. He died while getting ready for bed she said. He did not go to the nursing home to visit my grandmother yesterday, and did not answer the phone. My grandmother was transferred from the nursing home to the emergency room. They are waiting for the pain medication to wear off, to tell my grandmother.
I had called my mother in the afternoon and asked her to check on my grandparents. The last time I suffered a loss in my family was 20 years ago, when my father died. My grandfather was my best friend, my benefactor and the greatest man I ever knew. While the void is great, and he equipped me to survive in this world without him, I wish I could have had him around longer.
Now, more then ever... 1500 miles from home and my family, I regret ever leaving.
I would have liked to have said goodbye properly...