OMG I totally just watched a show where this guy (I think a park ranger) got bitten by a Black Mamba and he was like "z0mg.. I need to get to a hospital...." so he WALKS the 20 minutes back to his car all zonked as shit (knowing that running will make things worse), and then he starts driving his ranger jeep half unconscious and already losing his vision until he sees another car, and then he nearly runs the other car off the road and goes over to the guy and is like, "I need to get to a hospital- I need to get to a hospital I've been bitten by a snake.." while the other guy is like too busy yelling at him about how he almost ran them off the road to actually listen. But FINALLY the other guy gets the message and tosses the ranger into the back of his minivan and speeds over to the hospital. By the time they get there it's already been like an hour and a half since he was bitten, and all the doctors are like, "Are you SURE you got bitten by a black mamba, because you should be dead by now.." and he kept trying to tell them it was absolutely a black mamba (he's a park ranger, for godsake!) but he's already experiencing the toxo-paralysis and can hardly talk.. so the doctors DON'T administer the anti-venom because they don't believe it was a blakc mamba!! They just let him lay there!! And miraculously he actually managed to clear the venom out of his body on his own and survived o_0. But WTF is wrong with those doctors holy shit!!!!!
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