Jan 14, 2007 23:08
Oh wow, it has been over 4 month since my last update! I don't know where to start...
Our November Spain/London trip was great. Extremely too short to visit 2 countries though. Spain was beautiful and sunny. Everyone was pretty and most people spoke english. At least I can say I've been to Spain now! London was wonderful as usual. It was good to see Faith and Steve again. It was good to drink at the Lamb and Flag again! And fantastic to get out of the country again.
On Christmas Michael met my family for the first time finally. He was so nervous but ended up having a good time. He had something to speak about with everyone. He talked Costa Rica with Tim, beer with Jeff and cars with everybody else. We got drunk off Big E Ales Holiday Spice (delicious!). He warmed up to everybody and had a good time.
New Years was spent with Michael, Taylor, Kyle, Greg and Jim at Devon's house. 2 shots of Jameson, 1 shot of Stoli Vanilla Vodka and 2 beers later I was puking in the bathroom and being walked home and tucked into bed by Michael, I was surprised I lasted til midnight!
I have finally been promoted to server and have been having lots of fun making lots of money. It's finally easy now. But I still can't wait to leave and go somewhere else... then again that's what everybody says.
Future travel plans:
February 4th-8th ski trip in Idaho
February 21st-23rd Vegas!
April (first week of) Europe. Amsterdam and Ireland perhaps? No set schedual, we have not found any flight deals so we wont buy til we find a good deal. If we find no deal... no Europe.
April (last week of) Costa Rica. We're even brushing up on our espanol.