
Jun 25, 2012 17:59

so since not even hubby is here, i guess this place needs to be used for something, anything. i can't just let it go, so many years, so many memories even if most have faded.

there are lots of things i write and bitch about. also i feel the strange need to speak about my opinions publicly, to see people agree and/or disagree and discuss eventually. i have three major places online: here, twitter and tumblr. i ike posting my gender, stereotypes, sexuality-related stuff on tumblr but on the same time there's a part of me that thinks it's the wrong place for that. my main tumblr has always been supposed to be about fandom, books, movies, etc and pretty pictures. nothing personal, no statuses, no rants. i think it's time ti went back to it.

what would i use lj for? i don't know. i feel like making second, side-tumblr for my thoughts, more or less reasonable, on sex, genders, stereotypes, society, etc. for some reason my need for it to be at least a little bit visible blocks me from posting these here. because this is now almost completely private, no one would see anything written here and i, probably, can be as offensive as i want to. maybe i'll use it as a dumpster for something i can't post on tumblr? or maybe i'll post these rants here. or maybe both here and on tumblr.

why is it so serious of an issue.


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