Mar 07, 2011 19:53
LJ stopped sending me e-mails with notifications. WHY?!?!?!!?
you have a crush on someone. (my question: how different is crush from like? crush from love? like from love?) that person, awkwardly, says "no" but reassures you that they care very much about you. you two decide to stay best friends. and it works.
how fast can your crush go away? or love end?
continuing: while being best friends with your (former)crush/love/like, someone else approaches you and shows an interest in you. they want you. they cherish you.
that's the background.
the continuation that happened: you went out on a date with someone else. it worked, they're funny, you feel good with them. you start a relationship. kisses, making out, physical attraction, sexual activities. you feel good, you like that someone. you want them.
i'm troubled. because, can you fall for someone while falling out of love/crush/like? is it natural? do we change our feelings that fast? i can't remember my past feelings hence i'm unsure. did i end my crushes that fast and move on to someone else? my friend surely found her (almost) fiancée while on a date with her boyfriend. so why having a boyfriend? just because it's always better than being alone? just "to have someone fill in while i wait for something better"? and what if your feelings were genuine? honest?
how fast can you move on so that it won't feel like you're easy or not honest? or a player?
and no, it's not about me. it's, again, klaine fanfics. but it left me with so many questions and i'm thinking about it non stop. feelings. when are they true? when are they only an illusion? how fast can we move on? gosh, i wish i could remember what being a teenager meant. because now i'm reading about teenagers and sometimes... sometimes i can't believe it, i think it's fake. but then, maybe it's not. i can't remember.
this scenario makes me bothered. is the person - you - not honest with the new someone? or maybe their crush wasn't as serious?
klaine fanfics open some doors i've locked long ago.