My christmas, or why my family is strange but awesome

Dec 28, 2010 19:55

 To anyone who has jumped straight to the photos LOOK, I SWEAR THERE IS AN EXPLANATION.

For everyone else, a little background: I have a loud, crazy family, including two little sisters, Shantel (16) and Joanne (9). Among the members of my family, I am widely considered the sane one. No, really.

I brought my current boyfriend, Joe, home for Thanksgiving. He handled the onslaught rather well, I thought. One night, he even volunteered to teach Shantel to play cribbage. (We improvised a score board from legos). Since they are both night owls, and I am not, I left them to it and went to bed. That was the last I heard of it until a few days later, when I got the following message from Joe:

"The next time you talk to your sister, tell her I found it, and she's a freak. She'll know what I mean."
With much difficulty, I managed to wrestle the story from the two of them. Apparently, Joe came across an old toy of Joanne's, which probably should have been thrown away years ago. He found it very--odd--and laughed at it. Shantel joking threatened to sneak it into his luggage. Apparently, she carried through on that threat.

Of course, the only recourse was for Joe to give it back to her for Christmas, with a little, ummm, extra packaging, courtesy me and my craft knife. Inevitably, then, Shantel had to up the anty by suggesting another prop to use in regifting. Then my whole family got involved, and it sort of spiraled, and well...a picture is worth a thousand words here.

The original regift:

Joe's birthday present:

Shantel had the idea and handled most of the construction, I did design and planning, Dad engineered the basket, and Joanne colored and provide costuming and the head. The blade really goes up and down!

The really sad part? We hand all the necessary materials on hand to create both.

things that make me happy, family, arts 'n crafts, general nonsense

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