I fought the alarm

Nov 18, 2009 17:02

I have class at 8 on Wednesdays. I generally try to wake up around 6:30, so that I have plenty of time to get ready before I leave the house at 7:15 or so. To this end, I set my ipod on a speaker dock, and set it to play an increasingly annoying half-hour playlist, starting at 6.

Today when I woke up, I looked over at the iPod to check the time. It wasn't there. I groggily looked around the bed and nightstand, with no luck. Finally, I stumbled out of bed to check my computer clock. It was 8:40.

Furthermore, I found my iPod wrapped up in a blanket, shoved under the spare pillow. Apparently, when my alarm went off this morning, I decided to make sure it was really, really dead. I have no memory of this incident.

I think maybe I need to get more sleep.

failz, arrrgh, sleep dep

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