Sep 19, 2009 16:32
This is how bad the part-time job market is out here: I got turned down for a telephone survey job. I have telephone survey experience, dammit!
I was a tiny bit offended.
None of that matters now, though, because I AM EMPLOYED. In my field and everything. Rex Healthcare, a local hospital, needs an intern for their library.
The downside is that it is in Raleigh, which is either an easy 25-minute drive or a two hour bus ride OF DEATH, which involves buses and a half mile walk down a highway, during which it inevitably rains. You can guess which one I picked. I am heading down to Atlanta weekend after next to pick up my car/ sell my soul to the mechanic in exchange for new axles.
Atlanta folks, exciting hanging out time?
grad school,
i can haz job