In which Sylvia does not panic!

Apr 04, 2009 00:21

So, I had a wisdom tooth out today, and it was, for all the doom and gloom people made it out to be, surprisingly uneventful. I feel fine, no bit of it was even half as painful as your garden variety menstrual cramps, my brain has helpful erased the post-waking period where (Anna informs me), I threw up, and the doctor got the IV in on the third try, which is quite good--my average is closer to five. If anyone in the Claremont/Pomona area ever needs dental surgery, I highly recomend Dr. John M. Allen in Pomona; the whole experience was as excellent as dental sugery could be.

In any case, I am nice and proud that I did not have a panic attack! Stick me with needles everyday for a few more weeks, and I might even be able to overcome my fear.

EDIT: Apparently (or so Anna informs me) after surgery I asked her to give me multiplication problems to distract myself. When that didn't work, I started counting powers of two. Aloud. I am funny on drugs!

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