Merry Un-Birthday to you!

Feb 28, 2009 22:58

In honor of my un-birthday party today, which I shall post about when I have less thesis, I am proud to announce that I have knitted many things.

elanor_two , grammarcookie , 42footprints , and spinnersend09 : you each asked me to knit you something. These things are complete and ready to be shipped. All I need from you are shipping addresses* where you can receive your bounty. Please send them ASAP, as I do not wish to make multiple trips to the post office. I think they all turned out beautifully.

You may contact me via your favored electronic communication method--phone, e-mail, text message, Facebook, LJ message etc. Please don't put them in comments, as they are not screened.

Anyone else craving something knitted? I still have lots of yarn! Ask away**, I will consider it a favor. I am really a process person--I love making things much more than having things. Also, I hate wearing wool. This is why I knit constantly, but only own a single hand-knitted scarf, one hat, and two pairs of slippers.

*International shipments also need phone number--customs's rule, not mine.

**Except for sweaters or baby blankets. I have an irrational loathing for both. Insanely strange requests involving creating patterns are acceptable. I love a challenge!

cult of domesticity, knitting

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